what do the red /green arrows by our names mean


First time seeing this.

You guys got it fixed?

Nice....glad to see im not at -88 anymore which was my own vote ups/vote downs :)

Zed Wayne Zed - And now to look in my mirror.....

supercalo looks like there may be a conspiracy against you...

 Pro Ice has to have 100`s.

Stop judging me!

Stop judging me!

voorhees - Damn.People don't like me.


Well, your mom did kill all them campers at Crystal Lake.

 Make this visible on the APP

Alumynabjj -
voorhees - Damn.People don't like me.


  Don't feel bad at least you are not Cre.

CRE -428 The total sum of your votes up and votes down Send Private Message Add Comment To Profile

lol someone please tell me where I'm at. I'm curious.... Phone Post

I'm still on the super sweet list, huh?


 good lord... 

 BBQ you are at +5

zedlepln - 
voorhees - Damn.People don't like me.


Well, your mom did kill all them campers at Crystal Lake.

That was mostly me.She only killed the 1st round of them.

(votes you up if I could)

(then kills you)

Dead Again - 
Chimonos Revenge - You guys got it fixed?

Nice....glad to see im not at -88 anymore which was my own vote ups/vote downs :)

  Man, trying voting good posters up every once in a while.

I do, it's just that for every one poster I vote up, there are like 10 idiots that need to be voted down.


BBQ@bendos - 
Alumynabjj -
voorhees - Damn.People don't like me.


  Don't feel bad at least you are not Cre.

CRE -428 The total sum of your votes up and votes down Send Private Message Add Comment To Profile

lol someone please tell me where I'm at. I'm curious.... Phone Post

+5 Bendos

Cajun Pest -  BBQ you are at +5

That's cool. Thanks I'll vote you up later ;) Phone Post