What do you think, yay or nay?


His spirit will be right next door to McGregor's in the afterlife now, smart move.

Better than the band of flowers on the arm

Yay or gay, the latter

RockTheVote - Now that there are no affliction shirts for guys like this to wear this is the logical next step

this shirt - so u can see the tattoo



<img src="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/4a/46/15/4a4615bd43d38aaa661a163217187b46.gif"



Wtf even is it?

Look at that dude.....That dude has raped. And will likely rape again.

Original piece,dog

whoever did that tattoo should be barred from doing tattoos until he learns how to saturate.


unless that's drawn on with markers

Needs Conor's tiger tattoo and forearm tattoo imo

Outlaw'd by lytle has went too far

Hahaha holy shit!

Rudi - Outlaw'd by lytle has went too far

Just thought that but you beat me to it haha

Better off covering that up with a big black gob on your chest...wtf lol

Gay for pay, imo