What happened here?

Kirik’s final thread, with his announcement of sale: https://forums.mixedmartialarts.com/t/the-ug-was-acquired/3848341

Thanks a million for taking the time and effort for that explanation…

You don’t buy into it? People that are banned cannot even log.in to request Thier accounts get deleted. Just floating around in Bolivia forever.

It’s a ghost ship!

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It was the same procedure/same results years before the new ownership was involved. The automated tool for full deletion has always been broken, so they went with anonymization instead of hand deleting everything. That’s just incompetence, not malintent.

It’s the presumed conspiratorial fuckery I’m not seeing sufficient evidence for.

did it all start with the software update like 5 yr or so ago

been here before 200 this is worst its been Its done

Literally every MoD and worth a shit poster got banned. Anyone that can still post here is a tard.

Apart from me obviously.

Detailed here:


Nada. Alta banned everyone. They only wanted the url. The rest of the forum are either.on TMMaC or the OG discourse

Your posting in a ghost town

Didn’t seem like I’d projected confusion or lack of insight. Weird. But hey thanks.