Am I forgetting something? I dont recall seeing him the last few episodes. Did he leave the house?
why focus on someone that has nothing to do wit the quarter/semi finals. they didnt show much of blake either...
I think he was allowed to go home because of his wife.
Barrera looked like he had potential. I hope he does well in the finale.
He has some pretty extreme religious beliefs but at least he seemed to work hard and be a sincerely good guy.
guys a nut job anyway....
in this day and age with science and technology overhauling civilization as we know it , i'm surprised people still have such deep religious convictions...i guess it's been hardwired into our brains via evolution
One thing I never understood, was when his wife was having a breakdown over the phone he said "eat some cheetos". Things that make you go hmm.
hes eating cottage chesse and cheetos some where in the house praying to allah...
I think he knew that his wife reeeeaaally loves Cheetos. That's a good husband, imo.
Do you guys know your wives that well? Hmmmm?
Seriously, though, with the financial troubles and his wife freakin out he really handled himself well and seemed to have good character. I hope things work out okay for the guy.