What Is This Choke Called?


Looks like a solid route to gaining both hooks or a submission if the person dont counter the choke.

your thoughts

The BJJ guys are the experts here but it look likes the Brabo. I prefer the Peruvian neck tie choke from this position where the front leg comes over the head. No escape or roll.

Not a brabo. Brabo figure fours the arm, and has the underhooking arm across the neck.....That is an arm-in guillotine from when you can only get one hook.

(Thanks Marco)

That is the 'Monty Python Guillotine'. Ask our friend Rockwell about it.

Thanks found a rockwell link


It does lead to the hooks as thought

cool link

definetly going to work on this.

When I was first introduced to the choke 3 or 4 years ago, people called it the "Kling", named after the guy who was destroying people with it

Personally, I've never heard of a name for it.

It's a good choke, though I have only used it from the Top Sprawl Position entry.