What is up with the Sudo hate?

Why are all you knuckleheads so dismissive of Sudo? Do you not realize that MMA is based on and made Sudo, not classical JJJ?

genki got ref fucked

I can't hear you over the roar of Awesome in my ears. I can only assume you're speaking of Genki.

the ref tko'd genki :(

genki really gets screwed in his losses

and btw, who is dissing him anyways?


When I grow up, I want to be Genki Sudo

oh a spin duh :P

well he was still screwed in that fight! lol

He's annoying.

Hey, Genki Sudo is awesome!

Kid is K-1's boy and they want to have him as their Champ.

If I was a prostitute,Genki would be my pimp.

the UG hates any1 with a personality and is an entertainer..e.g. the amount of tito haters

Who hates Genki.

uhh ... I don't see it. Sudo got screwed, I have only heard one other person make statements to the contrary and 15-20 make statements agreeing...

Most people like Sudo, what are you talking about??

^^ and yet, he is arguably a better grappler than anyone that fought in the UFC's 155 division. ever.

I liked him alright until I saw him wearing the Che shorts

Genki Sudo is a great fighter and very entertaining.

If anyone saw the clip of him grappling at Chris Brennan's tournament, you know what a great grappler he is.

he's not better than Penn.

ttt for Olympic level Sudokas and Brasilian Vale Sudo

Bah. To see only the hate, is to ignore the love, grasshopper. Genki has a great many fans on the UG. There will always be people who dislike someone that others love. Sometimes BECUSE of this...

lol @ sudos guard sucks