What is your goto Ab routine ?

I've neglected my Ab's for awhile now and it's time for a change. Not only am I striving for that Sexy Beast look, but I also know that a stronger core will transfer towards improving my other powerlifts. I value your guy's opinion, so all suggestions are welcome. Phone Post 3.0

My staples are planks planks and more planks. I do bw only, then resisted and dynamic. Never felt better and stronger.

Squats and deads Phone Post 3.0

ISawSilva'sBONEr - Squats and deads Phone Post 3.0
I too thought this was adequate enough, but from all that I have read, apparently it's not. Phone Post 3.0

What have you read? I also do three sets of weighted crunches using a tricep extension rope plus hanging leg raises.

Squats and deads will definately develop your abs more than any isolation movement will. Phone Post 3.0

ISawSilva'sBONEr - What have you read? I also do three sets of weighted crunches using a tricep extension rope plus hanging leg raises.

Squats and deads will definately develop your abs more than any isolation movement will. Phone Post 3.0
I agree that deads and squats help tremendously with core strength, but I know that additional core work is needed, whether it be hyperextensions, weighted crunches, etc. Phone Post 3.0

Crunch throws with a med-ball, side throws with a med-ball, woodchops, landmines, mountain climbers and planks.

I wouldn't do Squats and Deads SOLEY for a six-pack.

I've been playing with kettlebells and trx for the last few months.
Try walking with kettlebell in one hand while maintaing straight spine. While on knees and straight arms holding TRX bands, do pullover movement. You can also put your feet in stirrups and do push ups. That'll be a strong plank position.

Squats, Deadlifts, torture twists, and lowering body fat by changing my diet Phone Post 3.0

My go to AB routine is pick one movement for Flexion - Extension - Rotation <--- Hit them hard...DONE!


Taku -

My go to AB routine is pick one movement for Flexion - Extension - Rotation <--- Hit them hard...DONE!


What would be done for extension? Phone Post 3.0

Taku - 

My go to AB routine is pick one movement for Flexion - Extension - Rotation <--- Hit them hard...DONE!


When you say one movement for flexion, extension, and rotation, do you mean active movements in those planes or do you also include anti-movement (anti extension, flexion, rotation)?

I have used a lot of what others have recommendation and like to rotation through my variations. My personal go-to exercises are usually farmer walk variations and pallof press variations.

Abs roller wheel works really well for me, some don't like it but it's brought my abs up really well
High reps and hold at the end of the movement like a plank Phone Post 3.0


Extension would be Glute Ham raise, Resisted Back extentions, Other hip extension movements such as with a Stability ball or if I have access a dedicated machine such as the MedX lumbar extension.

          MattB ATC,

Yes I do use static / iso movements such as resisted rotation movements etc.


I often should I train them? Phone Post 3.0

Thanks for the feedback guys. Phone Post 3.0

trblesum13 - I often should I train them? Phone Post 3.0
How Phone Post 3.0

Twice a week is adequate Phone Post 3.0

Front squats Phone Post 3.0

Abs Workout and Core Workout

15-Minute Core Workout for Fighters - great routine with anti-flexion, anti-rotation, core strength, hip mobility and overall abs.

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds with no rest in between. Rest for one minute and repeat for 3 full rounds.

Exercise List

1. Abs Wheel Roll Outs/Walkouts
2. One Arm Push Up Holds R/One Arm Plank
3. Hip Raises
4. One Arm Push Up Holds L/One Arm Plank
5. Plank Body Raise
6. Gracie Kick Outs
7. Thai Crucifix - Side Plank R
8. Thai Crucifix - Side Plank L