Hey guys this may or may not of been a thread already, but I went to naga this weekend and in both gi and no gi divisions guys were doing the guard flop. My question is with the gi and no gi what Judo throws could you do to counter the guard flop when the guy begins to flop?
Make sure you bring your knee up and thru prior to them getting you into the closed guard. you'll have more space to pass and clear them.
I also like to X grip the legs (you're right goes left, and vice versa- your arms make an "X" and grip the opposite side leg) and either pull them both to one side or pin one leg down and pull the other across and pass on the opposite side.
Most guys I have seen do this bring one leg up first, then the other, rather than jumping up with both legs at once. In such a situation, I try to sweep the supporting leg and go around (outside of) it as they go to their back. If you can get the timing right, you'll end up in side control. If they try to jump up with both legs at once, try to block one of them with one hand, and go over that leg. Watch you other arm though, as it will be in prime arm bar position if you leave it hanging out there.