What would be a bad number for UFC 190?

170 did around 340k while 184 did 590k. Ronda was on the 168 card that did over 1 million. So what number would she bring in this Saturday that would called a bad number for her now? Imo anything less than 400k is a disappointment Phone Post 3.0

hendofanforlife -

anything under 500k is a disappointment.  her numbers should be trending up. that plus the brazilian legends on the card should at least get that. 

I'd agree except casual fans have no idea who else is fighting on this card Phone Post 3.0

Lesbians of the world are all finding out about Ronda - up up! Phone Post 3.0

hendofanforlife -

anything under 500k is a disappointment.  her numbers should be trending up. that plus the brazilian legends on the card should at least get that. 

Casuals have no idea about big and little nog, and what they have done.

Biggie fed a carrot to the Bus, for heavens sake! Phone Post 3.0