What's with all the deleted threads?

On the app just about everything thread with Connor or Khabib in the title has been deleted. Is this true for anyone else? 

I also can't access my subs. 

We just migrated to cloud. Should be cleared up shortly.

Kirik - 

We just migrated to cloud. Should be cleared up shortly.

My co-owner of the site beat me to it. Should be cleared up shortly.

Kirik - 

We just migrated to cloud. Should be cleared up shortly.

Migrated? What are we? Water Buffalo??


- Ken Florian

Al Cappucino -
Kirik - 

We just migrated to cloud. Should be cleared up shortly.

Migrated? What are we? Water Buffalo??


- Ken Florian


Apparently Mr. Santos sucks at the interweb.

Al Cappucino - 
Kirik - 

We just migrated to cloud. Should be cleared up shortly.

Migrated? What are we? Water Buffalo??


- Ken Florian