When is the next TKO show

Any word on it?

All I know is that TBA is most likely on the card.


He is a true warrior Patow!

I would like to know so I can make sure JHR and I are in attendance and we can have the UG poker challenge

April 1st is my next poker tourney.

They are becoming legendary.

Just make sure Tompkins is in the poker game, it's like found money. :)

Seriously though, I'm long overdue for a roadtrip to Montreal.


** puts on mirrored glasses with Smily faces** gets ready to steal JHR's chips like it was a Montreal Pizza

I heard a rumour

The next one is April 1st and the one after that could be May 5th. Not sure of locations

Greg Compton

April 1st is my next poker tourney, and that's no April fool... :)

Greg, April 1st is no go because of the large gathering in Coberg


You're money is all mine.

"YOUR" money is all mine. Smart ass. :)



Can't believe I did that...


JHR, you should know I'm watching you like a hawk. You can't be trusted, and neither can I. :)


If we joined forces we could take over the world...

Or at least Cobourg and Carp, Ontario to start.

those two towns together...unreal. Might even get a grocery store

As a sign of good faith, and to initiate our collaboration toward world domination, I think you should make me a mod on this forum to even the playing field. :)


me a mod:) sounds like a great idea, that way all your great photoshops would not disappear


That's CRAZY talk !!!

hey I am a mod... come to the fishing and hunting forum JHR! LOL

Where is it ? I assume it's somewhere north of 7 ?