To be fair, he's had a few impressive moments in the cage. I remember a high kick to explosive double leg that caught my eye, and I seem to recall he broke an arm with a kick. He's no slouch, but I'm not sure we'll see him reach his true potential.
BispingWhat - Joe Rogan sounding like OSP is some insane KO artist. The promoting is getting laughable.I thought the sme

SandraBullockFan - I think OSP's name was just edited in for jimi's
definitely. joe too busy hunting for next years dinner to do two promos for a throwaway fight
Ever Thus - You are right OP. Enough with the rogan pre fight trailer promo hype. I suggest Jon Anik to bring the mood down a little. I love joe but come on they are digging deep to sell shit with their amazing schedule of fights. Let's hope for even more watered town events next year.Are they holding a fight at Sea-world?

It's Joe's job to hype fights, and even he was visibly uncomfortable with the sell.
I was able to pin-point the exact moment when rogan felt dana's hand up his arse
Anyone think rogan is taking the piss with the promos?
I think he knows it's a reach and is having fun with it.
UFC just started inventing their own pocket reality a while ago and pretending it was real and hoped clueless fans wouldnt know better.
Started officially with Brock Lesnar being the best HW on Earth.
orcus - OSP is a lay and prayer and he's also practically the only guy Mousasi has ever outwrestled. Bad combo.Mousasi outwrestled the shit out of Mark Munoz my man. Watch your p's and q's

he was tonight
About 20 minutes ago
TMABlackbelt -Time to pack it in then.Cory Davis -
What is this supposed to disprove lol. Tell me who the opponent in the gif even was? (Michael Bisbing even scored a 1 punch KO early in his career against a no name)
As OSP has gone up in comp hes definitely fought safer and safer (and looked worse and worse)
You are aware OSP already has 6 losses, right? You saw how awful he looked vs Bader? OSP was even out wrestled by MOUSASI lol.
Shogun recently 1 punch KOd a granite chined bigger Te Huna. That MEANS a lot more. Shogun was dropping HENDO at will. Thats crazy impressive. Shogun should win this fight easy. IF Shogun losses than he should retire because OSP isnt any where near elite level

Since now
I think I'm the ultimate curse.
TMABlackbelt -PitbullTodd - he was tonight
Not really. To be 100% honest, that was the biggest fluke ive ever seen. Man OSP is lucky Shogun slipped. That was some real BS. What ever. Dont even care. Im done with UFC and will just be streaming their events
Your tears are delicious, Thiaguy ;)
TMABlackbelt -I didn't say it disproved anything. In fact, I'm agreeing with you. Shogun lost bringing him to 1-4 in his last five fights. It's time for him to retire.Jackmerius Tacktheritrix -TMABlackbelt -Time to pack it in then.Cory Davis -
What is this supposed to disprove lol. Tell me who the opponent in the gif even was? (Michael Bisbing even scored a 1 punch KO early in his career against a no name)
As OSP has gone up in comp hes definitely fought safer and safer (and looked worse and worse)
You are aware OSP already has 6 losses, right? You saw how awful he looked vs Bader? OSP was even out wrestled by MOUSASI lol.
Shogun recently 1 punch KOd a granite chined bigger Te Huna. That MEANS a lot more. Shogun was dropping HENDO at will. Thats crazy impressive. Shogun should win this fight easy. IF Shogun losses than he should retire because OSP isnt any where near elite level
How does what happened tonight disprove anything I said?
They were NO STRIKING exchanges. Shogun absolutely would have capitalized on the many mistakes OSP makes
OSP got really lucky Shogun slipped. Lets be real, its the exact definition of a fluke

Another delicious thread.
if he wasnt a destroyer before
he sure as hell is now
TMABlackbelt -ThiaguyKimbo Kardashian - if he wasnt a destroyer before
he sure as hell is now
Scoring a fluke over Shogun doesnt make him a destroyer. Get real. OSP still has 6 losses. OSP is still insanely OVER RATED. He LOST TO BADER

Shogun gets aced in 30 seconds by a black mid-card fighter. It's gonna be a rough night for Thiaguy.