Where do you buy a gi?

Where do you buy a gi from at a regular store? I don't see them on sale at K-Mart. Who carries them? I'm not the same shape as most (I'm tall and skinny), so "regular" gis are either too baggy or too short, or both. For that reason, I prefer not to buy over the internet. When I did judo a couple years ago, my sensei sold me (for cheap!) a brand new gi, but it didn't fit right; see above. BJJ requires a tighter-fitting gi, so my current gi doesn't work very well.

Maybe what I really need is an instructional on how a gi should fit.

uumm well any martial arts supply store should carry some sort of generic gi.

other than that, im not sure, my instructor ordered mine for me.


How tall and skinny are you?

6'3", about 195 pounds. More like 180-185 when I'm in shape. The closest martial arts supply store I've been able to find is 30 minutes away in Seattle, where I'm not planning to go any time soon. Sounds like mail-order is my only option.

If I were you, I would call jiujitsuprogear (Gilberto) or HCK (Howard) or Atamakimonos (Eric) and give them your measurements. These guys are experts and will definitely hook you up with the perfect gi.

You cant go wrong with any of the above.


You may want to consider a Keiko Raca gi. The jackets are made to fit tighter so they may fit your frame a lot better.