Where is Sam Pai Kempo?

Yeah yeah, I haven't seen a post from him in ages, where did he end up?

ttt for Sam Pai Kempo


 fo sho^^

 One of the good guys and a great judge of character-


 I emailed him this thread so he can post and prove he's still alive and aware.

I searched for "Gary Hughes Sam Pai" and this picture came up:

Looks like "Strikeback" was street-tested and passed with DEADLY colors my friends

TTT for the troll slayer........who can also happen to hit harder than Mike Tyson

He was memorable for sure, good that you menetioned him. Many of us are active participants on here in streaks sometimes until lifes activities lead to us posting less and less.

SAM PAI was one of the great propnents of all thing Kempo....he would propose various worst case sceanrios and suggest you analyze how you would react or protect yourlef in such a scenario.

^ He is somewhere standing in a bathroom urinal looking into the reflection of the chrome piping for a possible attacker approaching him from behind and contemplating his defense and subdueing of the possible attacker..

"He is somewhere standing in a bathroom urinal looking into the reflection of the chrome piping for a possible attacker approaching him from behind and contemplating his defense and subdueing of the possible attacker"

Is Sam pai as stealthy...unbeatable...shrewd...as Chuck Norris?Does Sam Pai have several pairs of Sam Pai action jeans? Did Sam Pai give tyson his permission for tyson to punch that hard?

 Sam is probably enjoying a buffet with llama loogie kung fu aka seafood ross.



The post so nice, I made it twice

SPK was a riot. He once made a cup of coffee nervous.

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you.

john76 - he's standing in the middle of a field of broken glass just waiting to 1" punch ground fighters

now, thats funny!!!!!!it made my stecker peck out a little bit.


i appreciated SPK's posts. They made me more aware of my surroundings and for that I thank him... Would be great to see him back!

whenever i switch a light off i hold my groin and close my eyes shut tight thanks to spk

"I like to think that he's out there, somewhere, darting his eyes back and forth in a wary but understated code orange, making the world a better, more heavily-armed place."


I miss that guy.