I've dedicated a great chunk of time to the ETK workbook from The Art of Strength. It's been a great program, and I feel like I've gotten a lot more endurance, and made solid strength gains (mostly in my shoulders and lats).
I am in my last week, and have done the C&P ladders with a 32kg bell, while doing my pull-ups weighted with a 24kg bell. My snatches and swings were all done with a 24kg bell, as this is what the SSST is done with.
My question is: Where do I go from here? I'm considering ordering a 40kg bell and attempting the entire ETK again with that. Should I then up my swings and snatches to the 32kg bell?
My other alternative is to go back to a traditional, conventional lifting program. My only real motivation for this would be to focus a little more on my legs. My concern with this is that I won't be able to maintain a good enough split between cardio, legs and upper body. I also hate the crowds at my gym.
What would ya'll recommend?
A couple months away, and this place dies.
why not try on the strength & conditioning forum?