** Where To Train Kickboxing In Netherlands? **

Hey everybody!  I've always heard so many great stories about Dutch kickboxing - plus I've seen enough K1 footage to be sold on the idea of how awesome the style is.

If I was planning a trip to the Netherlands... where are the best spots to train at?  I'm planning on flying up for a month.

Thanks for the help everyone!  If you are reading this but have no clue where to go, you can still help out by bumping this thread up with a TTT.  Thanks!

--Marcos Avellan

TTT Phone Post

golden glory

it's the only gym I can think of.

I'm sure some more members will have some other suggestions

Golden Glory? Don't really know any other ones

Vos Gym Amsterdam: Johan Vos/Ivan Hippolyte/ (Ernesto Hoost was from here)

Meijiro Gym Amsterdam: (Andy Souwer, Rob Kaman among others fought here)

Lucien Carbine's Gym (Overeems, Yvel, Tyrone Spong started here):

Chakuriki Amsterdam: Thom Harinck (Branko Cikatic, Aerts, *Badr Hari and Manhoef were originally from here)

Mike's Gym: Mike Passnier (Badr Hari and Manhoef are currently here)

(Dynamix could be an alternative if you would prefer to train at a bunch of places in LA. Plus, they could certainly direct you to a good place in The Netherlands)...

I have trained at Vos & Carbin's when Alistair, Tyrone Spong & james McSweeney trained there.

Can not go wrong with any of the Gyms

You guys are awesome, thanks for the quick response!  Please keep the reviews coming and suggestions coming, I appreciate it very much.

FunkNoobiest, I'm sure there are plenty of places in the USA that have awesome kickboxing, but for me this is also about the traveling experience.  I love traveling and experiencing different cultures... and if I'm able to also train while doing it... it just adds to the experience :)  So far I've done two training trips outside the USA... I did a month of training in Thailand and did two weeks of boxing in Cuba.  Now I would like to add Netherlands. 

Quick question... I'm totally ignorant about the region and the culture... is there a "best time" to travel over there?  Like if you had a choice of when to go... which month would it be?  Like how is the weather, busy season, etc.?

Thank you guys

Mike's Gym!!!

Met Mike at Strikeforce Miami and he was incredibly nice and humble. Not to mention the awesome talent coming out of that gym.

Marcos Avellan -

Quick question... I'm totally ignorant about the region and the culture... is there a "best time" to travel over there?  Like if you had a choice of when to go... which month would it be?  Like how is the weather, busy season, etc.?

Thank you guys

 I'd say between March and October, the months outside of that could/will be a lot colder than you're used to in Florida.

P.S. Make sure you post more videos like you did from the Cuba trip!!

Have often wondered this myself.


Hard to go wrong in the Netherlands...

Go to the Dutch Mixfight.nl forum and ask them:

There are dutch fighters, coaches etc on the forum too.


and if you want to roll around on the floor.


 GG and Mike's are the obvious picks, but there are a bunch of good ones as has been illustrated already in this thread

BTW Marcos, your student Joe Ray has been highlighted as one of the top 10 welterweight prospects over at Bloodyelbow.com. http://www.bloodyelbow.com/2010/11/21/1826111/world-mma-welterweight-scouting-report-10-joe-ray

 Thanks guys for the further input!

Smoogy, thanks as well, but as of this week, he is former-student Joe Ray :)  He left the team this week.  But your post it still a compliment and I do still wish the best for him.

I'll put up another few guys on that list pretty soon :)

June thru end of August Gyms slow down for European Summer

 Mike's Gym burnt down last year. Soon after they were invited to train with Chakuriki, but no idea if they are still there or were able to open a new gym yet. 

 Meijiro Gym in Amsterdam is where I went in 09.  got to see Souwer spar a little bit for his "It's Showtime" fight.