Which Pooksrisuk Video: 1 or 2?

I'm want to buy one and wanted to know what people think? I'm familiar with the 30 tricks and most of their application through other material, so I don't want to get one that is so basic it merely covers what I already know, or pretty much know. I'm currently leaning toward the second, as it appears to be more in-depth, applicable, and is advertised as being able to stand on its own. Any reason I should not start with the second video?

Thanks in advance.

The 2nd video is more in-depth, from the technical point of view. But the 1st video really covers the overall philosphies that govern the various styles of Muay. I'm torn between telling you to go ahead and get #2, or advising you to start with #1.

adrenaline junky:
I can supply with a discounted deal if you want one or both.
blackdiamondcobra(at)yahoo.com. Also if you have any questions I can
answer them for you

Hey, what's up BDC, I know you, from one forum or another--I think it might have been you that sent me one of my Old Muay manuals a few years back. It's funny how small the internet makes the world. I was just going to snatch it from amazon, but I'll shoot you an email; I appreciate the offer.

Thanks, peoples.

P.S. Are you the fellow that's running Vanishing Flame?

Yeah, he's the same guy....