Which season caused you to quit watching TUF?

when the 'contenders' started being shitty. can't ever come back from that. either they're there or they're not.

After tuf 4 was over. Except tuf 10 which was amusing if you never actually thought kimbo would come back. Phone Post

Sadly I still watch it. However it usually involves playing "swing shot or net surfing" until the actual fight happens. Phone Post

Faber/Cruz season Phone Post

KingD87 - 

Faber/Cruz season Phone Post

This.  I'd plugged along for a few seasons, but seeing the talent pool last season and the first few fights, I just couldn't get through it.


The talent pool seems to be exhausted for this show and any fighter that's good enough wouldn't go through this crap to get into the UFC anyway.

TUF3 was the last I watched. 

I have lost a lot of interest in TUF since proper UFC events have come more frequent. Phone Post

Tuf live I watched every episode. Tuf brazil I got through half of the show then the finale came along and I stopped watching (though it was good)

stayrad - 

I have watched all of tuf and will continue to watch tuf until it ends.

This season blows because of shit judging, lack luster fights, no personality from either coach.

Tuf smashes is awesome, though. Phone Post


The last one I watched regularly was TUF 11

Watched 11, 12,14,15 but did not watch 13 and 16 because they sucked Phone Post

mmavixen -

I haven't quit.  I am the eternal optimist and keep hoping it will get better.

Me too. Except I've been DVRing this season. And there is WAAY too much drama. I think I actually like the live format better, less MTV soap opera bullshite. Phone Post

when they started cumming in their food

Lesnar season was brutal to watch I tapped out and never watched again...last one i really enjoyed was Forrest Rampage anyway Phone Post

I stopped watching whatever season junie browning was on. Haven't watched since Phone Post

The Heavyweights season was the last one I watched all the way through...now I just watch the fights to get into the house and the finale

Smashes has been pretty good so far so I watch it when it comes out online

I watch every season and will continue to do so......

I still watch, but whatever season it was where they were jerkin off on that dudes sushi, I just started fast forwarding to the fight.

God bless DVR Phone Post

I don't remember many specific things, I remember when Diamond Dave Kaplan demanded that Tom Lawlor KTFO him haha, that was outrageous.

And if there is one fight moment I remember, it was when Jason Von Flue choked out Alex Karalexis (I think?) using the von flue choke when Alex refused to release his guillotine.

AMAZING submission.

I've barely watched it since season 11. Now I just DVR it and fast forward to the fights, but now the fights are just boring. Hope for Jones/Sonnen season?