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White refutes Mayhem's accusations
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<strong class="ArticleSource">[The Underground]</strong>
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<p>In an <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=q-Ir6edEqIU" target="_blank">hour long interview with Ariel Helwani</a>, Jason 'Mayhem' Miller went into many topics, including his belief that the UFC medical insurance program was basically a scam and that the UFC did 'underhanded, sneaky shit' to avoid paying out thousand of dollars to help their fighters.</p>
UFC President Dana White must have been told about the interview and came to the Underground to refute the accusation directly. White posted the e-mail below, from his medical claims coordinator:
Here are all of the medial records I have for Jason.
We paid for his MRI and Doctors visits. At his last appointment Dr. Limpisvasti told him he needed to bring in his films to review before any surgical decisions were made, which he never did. At this point without Dr. Limpisvasti seeing the films I am not sure how he is saying we denied a surgery that has not been requested yet.
Thank you,
According to the e-mail, it seems as though the UFC did what they could for Miller, but he did not follow through with them to receive proper treatmeant.
As with most he said, she said stories there is usually one side, the other side, and somewhere in the middle, the truth.
irishman84 - Is that a joke? Mayhem made the tactics they use pretty clear. He said exactly what this email does. He never said they denied a surgery he said they made it difficult to get done. Made him jump through hoops. This is retarded and the UG should call them the fuck out on it
Yeah Mayhem said the doctor somehow didn't have his images, and asked him if he had a disc of them, which is pretty weird. I've had many breaks, tears, x-rays, and MRI's, and I have never had a doctor ask me if I happened to be carrying my images on me. The various medical institutions always handled sending my data to each other on their own.
irishman84 - Is that a joke? Mayhem made the tactics they use pretty clear. He said exactly what this email does. He never said they denied a surgery he said they made it difficult to get done. Made him jump through hoops. This is retarded and the UG should call them the fuck out on it
go through Hoops? Really? I tore my ACL 3 times, had about 15 mri's, got films from them every time and had to bring them to the Dr's with me every time.
By the way, The MRI takes a reading and the films, spits out a sheet giving the possibilities of what might be wrong, and that is sent directly to the DR. The films are just used to show what is wrong.
irishman84 - Is that a joke? Mayhem made the tactics they use pretty clear. He said exactly what this email does. He never said they denied a surgery he said they made it difficult to get done. Made him jump through hoops. This is retarded and the UG should call them the fuck out on it
Yeah Mayhem said the doctor somehow didn't have his images, and asked him if he had a disc of them, which is pretty weird. I've had many breaks, tears, x-rays, and MRI's, and I have never had a doctor ask me if I happened to be carrying my images on me. The various medical institutions always handled sending my data to each other on their own.
This and this. My father just had an MRI and his small town, boondocks hospital is functional enough to send the images to the doctor who reads them. The high priced athletic doctors can't or don't send the images themselves? Come on...
irishman84 - Is that a joke? Mayhem made the tactics they use pretty clear. He said exactly what this email does. He never said they denied a surgery he said they made it difficult to get done. Made him jump through hoops. This is retarded and the UG should call them the fuck out on it
Yeah Mayhem said the doctor somehow didn't have his images, and asked him if he had a disc of them, which is pretty weird. I've had many breaks, tears, x-rays, and MRI's, and I have never had a doctor ask me if I happened to be carrying my images on me. The various medical institutions always handled sending my data to each other on their own.
Been in the ER 3 times in the last year and have gotten copies of every xray and test that I could on a disc for the next doc in line. Takes about 5 minutes and in each case the people that were suppossed to forward the images didn't which is why I took the time to ask. Probably the only responsible thing I have ever done in my life. I put this out here only to share thats nowdays it isn't that uncommon to carry all your shit with you. Also, Dalton did that in Roadhouse so its even cooler (no pun intended).
irishman84 - Is that a joke? Mayhem made the tactics they use pretty clear. He said exactly what this email does. He never said they denied a surgery he said they made it difficult to get done. Made him jump through hoops. This is retarded and the UG should call them the fuck out on it
irishman84 - Is that a joke? Mayhem made the tactics they use pretty clear. He said exactly what this email does. He never said they denied a surgery he said they made it difficult to get done. Made him jump through hoops. This is retarded and the UG should call them the fuck out on it
Yeah Mayhem said the doctor somehow didn't have his images, and asked him if he had a disc of them, which is pretty weird. I've had many breaks, tears, x-rays, and MRI's, and I have never had a doctor ask me if I happened to be carrying my images on me. The various medical institutions always handled sending my data to each other on their own.
Been in the ER 3 times in the last year and have gotten copies of every xray and test that I could on a disc for the next doc in line. Takes about 5 minutes and in each case the people that were suppossed to forward the images didn't which is why I took the time to ask. Probably the only responsible thing I have ever done in my life. I put this out here only to share thats nowdays it isn't that uncommon to carry all your shit with you. Also, Dalton did that in Roadhouse so its even cooler (no pun intended).
See, and I wonder how "nowadays" plays into it- it's faster and easier than ever to send data between offices. As Mayhem said "there's this thing called the internet", and its instantaneous and preserves the chain of custody. I could see carrying a folder of film around in the 80's and a CD of them around in the 90's/early 2000's but in 2012? Maybe it's the facilities I selected or something. shrug
It is possible that the physician Miller saw did not have access to the MRI images. When you get an MRI done, it is read by a radiologist affiliated with the institution it is performed at and they dictate a report. Most ortho docs look at the actual images before making a diagnosis and recommendation, not just the report. If the MD is not affiliated with the hospital the MRI was performed at, they would not have access to either the images or report unless Miller filled out a release and they were burned to a disk and sent over, which would not be able to happen fast enough for the MD to have them for the consultation if Miller did not fill the release out a few days ahead of time. When doing a consultation, it is common for ortho docs to ask patients to bring a copy of all imaging studies they have had on the injured body part (the group at our hospital has that in boldface on the appointment reminders). A patient can obtain those by going to the hospital where the scan was done, and since the hospital can then verify the patients identity directly, it is easier than trying to fax releases and then have the images sent. I have no idea who, if anyone, is telling the truth in this situation; but the idea that Miller was supposed to bring the MRI images to the appointment is not far fetched
IMO fighters who fight across state lines and in different countries probably need to carry a copy of their full medical files with them if possible, including MRI's, X-rays, prescriptions, etc.
Yes, normally dr.s offices can request them from who has them.
Here, it appears you can see a couple things. First, Dr. Limpwristvasti took no action to request films for Jason, ask him to sign a HIPPA release so his office could ask for them, etc. That's a common courtesy most specialists extend to their patients.
Second, you can see that Dana is involved in medical claims. That's unusual as he is the President. That smacks of micromanagement.
Third, yes Mayhem is whining. I mean if Patrick Swayze in "Road House" can keep a complete medical file on himself he carries around because of working as a bouncer, then you would expect that a pro fighter probably would request copies of his files, MRI's, X-ray's, etc. too to help streamline getting medical care. If I was completely dependent on someone else to pay it on a case by case basis, even more so.