Who are the romoshop finalists?

Thread was locked at midnight but no post regarding the final .numbers. Can we get the official tallies? Phone Post


 They are probably still counting by hand, but damned if I don't want to see all the finalists that are being sent to Dana.

Me too considering i might have 2 in the 10 Phone Post

CraneFu - Me too considering i might have 2 in the 10 Phone Post


can we get an update?

Hopefully it's accurate...i did a quick tally and my romo was tied for 10th with 5 other people. Of course i could have missed a vote and screwed it all up. Phone Post

Maybe they're having multiple people tally the votes to ensure accuracy, and that is the reason for the delay.

I hope so. In my tally, fuck chuck was #1. Phone Post

 They're working on it, trust me