Who Else Misses Sean McCorkle?

I miss the pre-UFC Corky. Once he got in the big leagues his shit talking had a different feel to it.

I remember being part of the crowdsource funding for his show money for his fight against Ivey? I think. He wanted like $2k to show and the UG put most of it together

Left_Hook_Cemetery -

He's on Adam Hunters podcast all the time. Always shitting on Schaub.

People always hate on people they are secretly jealous of. With that being said most people shit on Schaub lol

MissĀ Sean McCorkle

Funny guy and his rise to the UFC was fun to watch.

The John Wayne of MMA

I think I posted in most of his early threads referring to him as The John Wayne of MMA

Funny threads.

I remember someone saying McKrinkleā€™s belly button looked like the sarlaac. LOL!

He was pretty funny and down to earth.

Hes funny on MMA Roasted with Adam Hunter

FETT_the geek -

Miss Sean McCorkle

I always thought he was quite masculine 

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I spoke to him a week or two ago. He moves out to the country and is happy living his best life. He still had loads of shit to talk. Always hilarious. Great guy.


He is responsible for much hilarity here.

Cork is a GentlemanĀ and a Scholar