Who is going to UFC 161 in Winnipeg next weekend?

Evans VS Henderson?



I'll be there!

I'll be there! Pretty stoked, been watching since the old days but this will be my first event I attend! Phone Post 3.0

I am. Been to the first one in Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto, Calgary and now Winnipeg!

I live in Winnipeg if anyone needs anything when there here feel free to send me an email anabolic@shaw.ca

I'll be there

This guy.

Dana white UG meet & greet?

Sold my tickets and used my miles elsewhere when Wineland fight cancelled. Phone Post 3.0

Im going, but this card is decimated Phone Post 3.0

nobody now. shit Phone Post

lifeaftrprison - Sold my tickets and used my miles elsewhere when Wineland fight cancelled. Phone Post 3.0

Nice call. Shogun vs Chael is off the card now as well.

UGCTT_Charles Bronsons Mustache -
lifeaftrprison - Sold my tickets and used my miles elsewhere when Wineland fight cancelled. Phone Post 3.0

Nice call. Shogun vs Chael is off the card now as well.
Man this is fucking devastating news! Still gonna go but fuck me that hurts a lot Phone Post 3.0

inf0 and Geeeek

Inbox if you want tix Phone Post 3.0

UGCTT_Charles Bronsons Mustache -
lifeaftrprison - Sold my tickets and used my miles elsewhere when Wineland fight cancelled. Phone Post 3.0

Nice call. Shogun vs Chael is off the card now as well.
Man this is fucking devastating news! Still gonna go but fuck me that hurts a lot Phone Post 3.0

Well think of it this way. I went to UFC 119. There is no way this card could be worse then that.

UGCTT_Charles Bronsons Mustache -
UGCTT_Charles Bronsons Mustache -
lifeaftrprison - Sold my tickets and used my miles elsewhere when Wineland fight cancelled. Phone Post 3.0

Nice call. Shogun vs Chael is off the card now as well.
Man this is fucking devastating news! Still gonna go but fuck me that hurts a lot Phone Post 3.0

Well think of it this way. I went to UFC 119. There is no way this card could be worse then that.
Tru dat brother, still excited to see Hendo and my boy Big Country....gotta look on the bright side of things I suppose, but man was I pumped to see shogun/Lil Nog. Phone Post 3.0

UGCTT_Charles Bronsons Mustache -
UGCTT_Charles Bronsons Mustache -
lifeaftrprison - Sold my tickets and used my miles elsewhere when Wineland fight cancelled. Phone Post 3.0

Nice call. Shogun vs Chael is off the card now as well.
Man this is fucking devastating news! Still gonna go but fuck me that hurts a lot Phone Post 3.0

Well think of it this way. I went to UFC 119. There is no way this card could be worse then that.
Tru dat brother, still excited to see Hendo and my boy Big Country....gotta look on the bright side of things I suppose, but man was I pumped to see shogun/Lil Nog. Phone Post 3.0

Yea man you will have fun. Just get some beers and make sure you get there for the prelims. Never know when the FOTN will take place.

Crushed about no Shogun, but still going! Going to have a great time no matter what. Phone Post 3.0

Hong Kong Phooey - 

inf0 and Geeeek

Haha, if inf0 want to pay for the trip and tickets I'm down ;)

CindyO -

Evans VS Henderson?



Me, Dana meetup? :) Phone Post