Who still types in MMA.tv??

junon - 
Dave@Accutest - to be honest I don't even type out the addy. I am far to lazy for that. I go to google and type "MMA UG". It's the first link that pops up and about 5 more that follow.

Lazy> Doing extra

thats more work than simply typing "MMA.TV" into the address bar.

I was thinking the same thing. Way more work

Guilty as charged.

 same here


I just type "m" in the address bar and its the first one to pop up.

I will keep on doing it, until it doesn't bring me here.

 Same as everyone else; I will use MMA.tv until it no longer gets me here.

ttt for mma.tv

yep, and thats how i tell people too, u don't want to have to say bla bla bla.com...mma.tv it's soooo easy!


 I use firefox so really all I need to type is MM

 I use firefox so really all I need to type is MM

mma.tv fo sho!


 ttt for mma.tv


Type it in once and save it as a favorite!!!

Tada, no more typing!


my homepage..other than google for research, i dont use anything else on the internet.

 Already had it saved as a favorite...

I dont understand why you would be typing anything???


rises hand