Who wants Bj vs Pulver 2

First fight Bj taps pulver right at the bell but instead of stopping the fight they let it continue more rounds,exellent fight probally one of the best ive seen if not the best.Pulver wins thanks to heart,cardio,and good stand up.Hope the rematch happens soon.

He didn`t tap him at the bell. He tried to after the bell maybe.

I don`t think Pulver can fight at the weight BJ is now and I don`t see BJ moving down in weight to fight him again.

I would love to see this fight, UFC needs to get Pulver back.

p.s. Pulver tapped after the bell.

I think BJ would be willing to lose the weight to avenge the loss. I would love to see it.

oh ya he did tap after the bell sorry guys ,never the less good fight for sure.

Once was enough for me. BJ is top of the heap right now anyway, and Jens would have to put a streak together to even be considered.

Maybe in Jens moves his wieght up.

Pulver is no match for BJ now! BJ by brutal

It's not any where near the top of my list for fights I hope happen but I would like to see it happen.

I want to see it

Hell ya, Jens with a reason to train is a scary individual!

Pulver said that the UFC does not want him back.

Dana White said if Pulver wins a couple times against top fighters outside the UFC, then he said that he's interested in bringing him back.

BJ Penn is no longer fighting at 155 in the UFC as long as he has the belt.