Razak Rocks
Great video! Any chance you guys could fix the aspect ratio and turn off autoplay though? It looks like the width should be 533 and the height 267 (2:1?)... it should be superwide and not 1:1... I'm pretty sure Bobby (the filmmaker) would appreciate it :)
(edit: I tried but FAILed)
Great vid. Thank you.
Awesome vid, I was just laid off and that really hit home with me. Very inspirational
awesome video - what an inspiration - its the way we should remember him
4 later
Brian Rule - Great video! Any chance you guys could fix the aspect ratio and turn off autoplay though? It looks like the width should be 533 and the height 267 (2:1?)... it should be superwide and not 1:1... I'm pretty sure Bobby (the filmmaker) would appreciate it :)
(edit: I tried but FAILed)
voice over is doubling also unless you click the link
for later
Awesome vid
I was touched when Scrape nearly broke down...Dude must be crushed right about now
Hong Kong Phooey -Brian Rule - Great video! Any chance you guys could fix the aspect ratio and turn off autoplay though? It looks like the width should be 533 and the height 267 (2:1?)... it should be superwide and not 1:1... I'm pretty sure Bobby (the filmmaker) would appreciate it :)
(edit: I tried but FAILed)
voice over is doubling also unless you click the link
that's because both Mike Sanders and Kai Tremeche has posted it and both have autoplay on....
Gotta love his vison and passion
I'm inspired just watching it.
Brian Rule -Hong Kong Phooey -Brian Rule - Great video! Any chance you guys could fix the aspect ratio and turn off autoplay though? It looks like the width should be 533 and the height 267 (2:1?)... it should be superwide and not 1:1... I'm pretty sure Bobby (the filmmaker) would appreciate it :)
(edit: I tried but FAILed)
voice over is doubling also unless you click the link
that's because both Mike Saunders and Kai Tremeche has posted it and both have autoplay on....
Mike who? Anyway, I'm not sure why Kai Tremeche felt the need to cast a level 1 repetition spell over this thread, but I edited my post so that he could have some time in the spotlight. (LOL.)
BTW, I'm not sure autostart can be turned off, so don't mention it again unless you want to find yourself staring across the cage at a straight up psycho representing SHERDOG at the next UGGP!
LOL sorry Mike I was just reading an article about a 'Saunders'... anyway to turn off autoplay just go in to edit the post and look for where it says "autoplay=true" and change true to false :)
Really? No shit, bro! There wasn't any HTML to autostart the clip in what I posted, you asshole. ;) Don't talk down to Mike "autokill=true" Saunders unless you want me to come at you in the dark of the night by the light of the full moon with a coked-out JKD straight blast, bro.
It sucks how so many people hatin on him on these very boards and talked shit... now they are saying good vid.
sad really.