Who wins in a fight?

A pack of hyenas.... Or a pack of wolves.

I put my money on the wolves.

Discuss. Phone Post

hyenas win in the WRONG FORUM ASSHOLE

Pshh hyenas you crazy! Phone Post

Hyenas, pound for pound strongest jaws in the wild......hyenas take this easily, and then laugh about it after! Phone Post

Hyenas FTW!!!

Honey Badgers > Hyenas > Wolves!!!

MakeMeBleed - hyenas win in the WRONG FORUM ASSHOLE

Serious answers only please, quit trolling Phone Post

Wolverine fucks them all up. Phone Post

But aren't hyenas primarily scavengers oppose to hunters.
Where as wolves fight for there shit.
If we have any nature experts, zoologists or maybe even David attenborough I'd like some help Phone Post

j71 - Honey Badgers > Hyenas > Wolves!!!

Ah yeah honey badgers are some bad motherfuckers. Phone Post

UGknowme - 
j71 - Honey Badgers > Hyenas > Wolves!!!
Ah yeah honey badgers are some bad motherfuckers. Phone Post


UGknowme - But aren't hyenas primarily scavengers oppose to hunters.
Where as wolves fight for there shit.
If we have any nature experts, zoologists or maybe even David attenborough I'd like some help Phone Post

Yes they are scavengers, but they routinely steal the kills of lions, leapords and other badass animals, they are ferocious. Wolves primaily hunt herbivores or things that don't have much of a defense besides running away. Phone Post

Interesting Phone Post