Who would win in a mod tourney?

Here's the scenario:

An underworld crime lord by the name of Kirik invites all the mods of mma.tv to a hidden remote island somewhere in the Pacific.  Kirik offers a large sum of money to have this motley crew of internet assasins duke it out for a large bounty and millions in internet points.

The tournament is under Pride rules, with elbows, in a cage, and all fights will be held in one night crowning the winner as the Head Mod In Charge, champion of the UG and strongest virgin alive.  All mods are invited, sub forums included.

Who wins?

Harlem. Phone Post 3.0

Good thread. Phone Post 3.0

Elias is a mod isn't he?  I'll give my pick to him

Easily radio Raheem. Phone Post 3.0

Twin brothers in the final

Jason vs Chris

I'd be cheering for Jason but Chris wins by RNC

Oh I forgot about Lauzon....


Oh I also forgot Sean Gannon

Wins without a doubt lol

Lauzon or Eddie! Phone Post 3.0

Lauzon is contractually unable to participate.  Thanks Dana! :(

Tom Lawler is a mod somewhere right? Phone Post 3.0

Tom Lawler is a mod on the Pro Wrestling forum right? Phone Post 3.0





After that there are a bunch of us who are heavyweights.

LOLOLOL every year Kipp has a ref tournament, as refs can't compete, unless there is some guy with no opponent who weighs 297 and benches 700 pounds in which case I get I get frisbeed. But that is another story.

Winner of the ref tournament gets a Viking helmet.

I never won. JLau heel hooked me once.

I wouldn't win here, either :-(

K- no can defend scuba suit.........lol

I just feel like Radio Raheem has a good chance. If he's a quality poster he's logically a quality fighter... Right? Phone Post 3.0