Who's actually seen UFC 23-29?

With all the dvd relases of practically everything in MMA most of us who've been watching since the beginning are now able to easily find things that were nearly impossible to get five years ago. The "lost UFC's" however are still lost and aren't ever going to be realesed.

So how many of you have actually seen them?

I've still got all of them on VHS tapes.

What is the reason that these UFCs haven't been re-released?

Ive got them taped.

They showed them on TSN in Canada few years back. I also did not download a few from a site that doesn't exist. I think I maybe haven't seen one or two of them!

I had chances to to get VHS copies a few times, but I was always told they weren't worth it.

Anyone remember any memerable fights?

Which fights did they have?

I've got them on DVD and did reviews for them recently. Hit oratory.rajah.com or insidefights.insidepulse.com and check them out if you like. 28 was particularly a good show.

Funny enough, I've seen all but one UFC, and it was the 37.5 one. I've seen the Chuck/Belfort fight, but none of the others.
23-29 were available on satellite and that's pretty much it. Luckily one of my old friends had a dish and was able to get all of them. I think I still have some VHS tapes of a few of those.

Seen them all, have them all on VHS. That wasback in the day when nobody knew what it was and I would stay in on a Friday night to watch the PPV while all my friends went out to party. Times have changed.

Randleman had 5 round decision wins vs Rizzo and Pete Williams.

Maurice Smith had a dissapointing match with Marco Ruas.

Rizzo just about broke Severn's leg with a kick.

Andre Roberts had his famous KO of Waterman around then too.

Those are double negatives?

Not in the least. Grammar sniper failed.

i thought everyone had seen them, we just didnt talk about it - kinda like your inbred, retarded cousin. Didnt Zuffa just re-release 28 & 29 in a double DVD pack?

UFC 33 is the inbred cousin nobody talks about.

Tito vs Vladdy and every other fight was a 5 round decision.

I actually lost interest in UFC sometime after UU96 (which is when I got out of the suck and just kind of lost track of it) and didnt start watching again until 33. Maybe I will get motivated to track those down and watch them.

I went to 24 and 27

"Tito also at one point sprints across the octagon with his pigtails flapping in the breeze in mortal terror of the axe murderer."

LMAO @ "pigtails flapping in the breeze"! I remember someone made a gif of that and the thread was a couple hundred posts long of people just laughing. The best part was Tito's hop at the end. When he got to the other side of the octagon, he literally jumped in the air and did a 180. Hilarious.

UFC 24 was actually a great show, BTW, despite having a main event of Tedd Williams vs. Steve Judson (LOL). That was the event when Randleman tripped over some pipes and knocked himself out before the event started, pushing back his fight with Rizzo to UFC 26. Which was fine with me. That fight had snoozefest written all over it, and it would have ruined an otherwise good UFC 24. UFC 26 sucked anyway, so it didn't ruin shit.

Couture/Randleman in UFC 28 was a really good fight. Couture survived on bottom, but when Randleman got put on his back he was a fish out of water. Perretti, doing commentary, said about Randleman's guard: "You could drive a truck through there."

I think I have them on tape.

I do have them Lots of Lajcic and Eugene.

i have every single one on vhs

including 1 and 37.5