Who's fought tougher competition, USMAN or GSP

  • GSP

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Usman’s still right in his career peak but GSP prob has the best resume of opposition ever as well as strength of schedule. He fought Condit Diaz and Hendricks all within a year of coming back from knee surgery for shits sake.


Colby, a fighter I despise, could beat any of GSP’s opponents, including probably GSP himself.

The welterweights of today vs. the mid 2000s are like half a weight class bigger and way more well rounded and skilled.

Usman is a better fighter than GSP, but GSP has a better legacy due to nostalgia and the fact Usman was held back by UFC matchmaking for several years despite owning everyone they put in front of him.


Agree on this. How was Usman held back though? Looking through his record, it seems like a pretty logical progression (given the position of his opponents at the time he fought them of course). Maybe not perfect, but I don’t think it’s too far off either.

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he lost to Hendricks, no matter what the judges scored.


Colby ducked Usman like 3 times in the mid 2010s (other fighters did too). UFC matchmaking didn’t allow Usman to progress like he should have. GSP got mega fights right away… literally in his first (Karo) and third fight (Hughes) in the UFC.

Pull up their records on Wikipedia and notice the following:

In late 2017, Colby didn’t deserve that Maia fight. Look at how UFC matchmaking absolutely cockblocked Usman in 2016. Usman beat Alves, Colby lost to Alves, but Colby gets to rise faster?! Usman should have gotten a big fight in late 2016 at the latest.

People criticize Usman’s legacy as not being comparable to GSP, this is a FORCED situation on the part of TERRIBLE matchmaking by the UFC.

It’s a flawed argument to say that Usman’s are better. They are, but it’s a different era now. Based on the relative strength of their division and who were considered top contenders at the time, GSP by a country mile.


I know most current WWs are a little more evolved, but going out of your way to fight a LW journeyman twice in a row only enhances your legacy to folks who dont know any better.

Fan of Jorge but fighting him twice and calling out chiesa makes marty look like a duck.


I think the only guy that can beat Usman at 170 is Khamzat once he gets 2-3 Top 10 wins.

Doesnt matter if the skill is better today. Usman’s is too. For who they fought in each of their time periods GSP comp blows him away.

Colby beats all of GSP’s opponents easily. GSP was great no doubt but even in retirement he still takes no risks and that made him a boring fighter to watch. As much as you want to flame away, you all knew as did I, his fight was takedown, hold, rinse repeat. He wasn’t a mauler like Khabib or a killer like maia, he was calculated and fought safe which made him so good.
Usman beats him and so does Colby.

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GSP somehow managed to beat Nick Diaz so the answer is clearly him. Prime Nick Diaz that went undefeated in Strikeforce would clown Usman


A different era…


Most people would agree with him

George’s looked like he was hit by a baseball bat while Johny looks ready to go another 5 rounds and do some chew

Lol. Colby’s standup sucks. What could he do when his wrestling stopped working, as it would have against several GSP opponents, nevermind GSP himself?

Usman himself is a stronger but less skilled and athletic GSP.

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Agreed, plus usman actually tries to finish his opponent’s. GSP was content with his josh Barnett style of keeping his tits in his opponents face until they got exhausted or went to decision. I don’t get how anyone could possibly put GSP over Andy in the pound for pound rankings. I don’t blame him for his opponents though as he fought everyone they put in front of him but he never had that killer instinct.

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That Hendricks would beat Usman


Yeah I think he just might. I think he was on the juice though sadly