"Why Don't Bellator Fighters Fail Drug Tests?"

Why Don't Bellator Fighters Fail Drug Tests?


On the brink of trying to scramble for a possible replacement for UFC Heavyweight contender Alistair Overeem after a failed drug test, questions remain about the fact that UFC fighters are failing drug tests at alarming rates, as opposed to the second largest MMA promotion Bellator and other “B level” mixed martial arts promotions. So why don’t Bellator fighters fail drug tests? In order to answer this question, one must first understand that all professional sports have incidents of athletes who failed drug tests. Who can forget Marion Jones having to relinquish her 5 Olympic Gold medals after failed drug testing? But still, why is there such as difference between the UFC and Bellator?

First, let me tell you something that you already know. MMA is a fight and win consistently or find another day job career. In the UFC, three loses in a row are almost sure to get you laid off by Dana White faster than Donald Trump can point his billion dollar finger in your face and utter that famous saying “Your fired!”. Most UFC fighters find themselves in lower level MMA promotions like Bellator and/or stocking shelves at the local supermarket for minimum wage after given the ax. There’s nothing wrong with honest work, but as a MMA fighter it’s a humiliating demotion and slap back to reality that they don’t have what it takes to be a UFC fighter. Most professional sports have minor leagues and in order to propel yourself to the big show in the MMA arena (UFC), fighters must impress Mr. White and his comrades not only in the octagon, but also outside the octagon by demonstrating fair play. Any UFC fan can tell you that failed drug tests not only pisses Dana White off, but the fans also feel cheated after being hyped up for a fight card, and then having to settle for the replacements because of one fighters horrific decision making skills.

Pressure is always present in the UFC for fighters to perform at a high level due to the UFC’s well-deserved high status with MMA connoisseurs and ZUFFAS enormous expectations to put on gladiator like performances. But aren’t we all taught as young chaps to resist peer pressure and do what’s right? Bottom line is that Bellator fighters have dreams to advance to the UFC to compete with the best MMA fighters in the world and for the most part, don’t place themselves at risk of missing that big paycheck and opportunity to perform in front of huge audiences that only the UFC draws by using performance enhancing drugs (PED). UFC fighters on the other hand, have nightmares of getting demoted to the “B level” promotions, as it is a clear sign that they couldn’t hang with the best of the best and some delusional UFC fighters with low self-esteem feel that it is better to cheat by ingesting PED’s than to put confidence in their God given talent. Shame on you!





I never looked at it from that angle. That could be a possibility Phone Post

ssj - sounds like a massive nuthug of zuffa, yawn

How is any of the OP nut hugging zuffa? Phone Post

I think it has more to do with the fact that Bellator runs from regulation and doesn't drug test anywhere near as often as the UFC. If you don't have your fighters piss in a cup, none of them will ever piss hot.

The idea that fighters are too worried of blowing their shot of jumping to UFC to use PEDs in Bellator, but too scared of falling out of the UFC to NOT use PEDs once they make it is obviously and completely retarded. The author offers literally no facts to support his conclusions. Considering he felt the need to point out that athletes test positive for PEDs in sports other than MMA as a way of explaining his case, he may literally be retarded as well. The real message seems to be standard form "UFC #1, Bellator #2!" cheerleading complete with the flattering suggestion that any fight outside the UFC is a humilation and akin to "stocking shelves at the local supermarket for minimum wage". I'm guessing that's what Cindy found so appealing about this hot garbage?

So let me make sure I'm clear....

Fighters need to get to the big leagues to avoid "stocking shelves" so they DON'T use PEDS, however, once there, they're so afraid of the axe that they DO use.

Do I have that right, OP? Phone Post 3.0

that reminds me, Fightmaster: Bellator MMA is coming soon.

That explanation is one giant contradiction.

UFC fighters use PED's because if they get caught, they get kicked out?

Bellator fighters don't use PED's because they don't care if they lose?

That really makes absolutely no sense, and is maybe the worst "reason" one could posibly think of.

Maybe, just maybe, lots of the guys in the UFC made it to the UFC with the help of.... gasp!... PED's! No, that couldn't be it.

This is is a clear case of Zuffa requiring competition.

Zuffa's monopoly is ruining the sport itself, as this article itself unwittingly shows.

Are all you people high? First of all the TS didn't write that article she just posted it. Its an article from BJPENN.com. Secondly all the comments that are being made show that none of you are comprehending the article very well. Phone Post

Steve4192 - I think it has more to do with the fact that Bellator runs from regulation and doesn't drug test anywhere near as often as the UFC. If you don't have your fighters piss in a cup, none of them will ever piss hot.

I'm 'shocked that Cindy 'isn't aware' of this tactic!


Lol at this being pro zuffa because it states the fact that bellator is the b league. Sometimes you guys are too much. I didn't necessarily agree with the article, but come one now. Phone Post 3.0

I'm not saying it's pro zuffa or anti bellator, I'm just saying it's one of the worst "reasons" I've ever heard of.

It clearly says PED's get you kicked out of the UFC, and it also says guys use PED's to stay in the UFC.

It's like saying non-alcoholics drink alcohol so they don't become alcoholics.

IntellectualSavior - Is bjpenn.com turning into the new bleacher report where any mouthbreathing retard with a keyboard can become a "MMA Journalist"?

That is the most nonsensical crap I have read in quite some time.

Not to mention the article is over a year old and obviously just Cindy's way to stir up more Zuffa Zombie crap.

It's actually becoming just like MMA.tv as they copy and paste much of their content from other sites. At least they do some of their own interviews... Phone Post 3.0

Dana Stern - Are all you people high? First of all the TS didn't write that article she just posted it. Its an article from BJPENN.com. Secondly all the comments that are being made show that none of you are comprehending the article very well. Phone Post
What'd I miss? Enlighten me, please. Phone Post 3.0

The UFC allows roid use. It's called TRT.

LittleJoeMama - The UFC allows roid use. It's called TRT.
They're the only promotion that allows TUE exceptions? Proof? Phone Post 3.0

Y'all are fucking idiots. Bellator is "B-Level". Point in case - Hector Lombard.

Knippz - Y'all are fucking idiots. Bellator is "B-Level". Point in case - Hector Lombard.
So they don't have PED issues??

I'm not sure how your comment relates to the premise of the OP. Phone Post 3.0

What a piece of shit move to post this, op. Vtfd. Phone Post