I hate Cole because he taps me fifty times a night and then talks about boneing a very special person in my life.
Peace Blue (Go Team Praxis)
I hate Cole because he taps me fifty times a night and then talks about boneing a very special person in my life.
Peace Blue (Go Team Praxis)
But how many times did you tap him in 2 days.... WITH THE SAME MOVE?!?!?!!?!?
...and then talks about boneing a very special person in my life.
Is it your Mom?
its his wife!
Well done Cole, well done!
Ill tell you all why I hate COLE MILLER!
I remember a day not long ago when I would tell Cole to carry out the trash, he would bow his head respectively and do so.....without further question. If I mention carrying out the trash or making of a bed now I get a stern look in my eye(much like the firtst time he told me he wasnt running after making a error in a baseball game)and then i get bitch slapped followed by his the "choke of the day"!
When I learn t GRAPPLE this crap will stop!
This is why I hate Cole Miller
go praxis
I hate Cole Miller because every hot customer that comes into work, Cole would end up hooking up with them within 2 days time, which I cant understand look at him. Its almost sickening after so long. Plus his standup is pathetic along with his ground game. He just sux. Im on the hating Cole bangwagon everyone should join. thats my 2 cents
I hate Cole(The MILF Hunter)Miller, more and more everyday. I just thank the lord that my standup is on a total different level than his. Can you say OWNED!!!! COLE SUXXX
Peace Blue (Go Team Praxis)
Can you say guillotine choke...everyone?????, served!
i use the 9 finger grip and the tenth is my middle one for all you haters
Tim, if he's not doing his chores just let me know and I'll set him straight. I'm not training the boy so he can be a thug!! On the flip side, I saw him chew out Micah's ass one night after you left trying to get Micah to handle the responsibilities of his own chores!!! LOL at Cole playing the responsible grown up!!!
i still love you cole, but blue is right his standup (frontkick) is on a totally different level.....of suckiness
Actually they both do their fair share! They both use moves(taught only by TEAM PRAXIS)to choke me when I request they do extra. Thugs? Too late, Coles been hanging with Chainsaw, and Micah hangs out with Brittney.
Team Praxis
Good luck tonight Team Praxis!!!!!!!! Cole suxx
Peace Blue
TTT For a bad ass
Unusually long limbs, IMO.
Also a little boring. Too many quick wins via triangle.
I can honestly say Cole has never won a fight/match with a triangle.
Another reason I hate Cole Miller is because he had the best fight of the night. Hey Cole any three year old on a playground can rap there legs around sombodies head and choke them,why dont you fight fair man?
Peace Blue Go Team Praxis