Why I just DOn't Care

1. Diaz smokin weed - that should be legal anywayz so lets forget about that...

2. Silva testing positive. He was coming off a monumental injury and for once I just don't care.

I don't agree with PED's one bit unless like in Big Foots case regarding TRT it's a medical necessity.

It obviously was not a medical necessity for Silva. But this is the greatest fighter of all time returning for potentially the last fight of his career after a devastating injury with psychological ramifications we can only just guess at.

With that huge amount of pressure AND the need to be 100% healthy physically to even contemplate being confident enough to step into the ring it becomes a case of whether you feel Silva was attempting to gain an unfair advantage over Diaz rather than just be physically and mentally able to return.

Now that should not matter, all that should matter is the fact that he cheated right? NO. Not this time. This time I break my principles and say FUCK IT. This time I make a sweeping assumption. Silva would not do this to gain an unfair advantage. This time I excuse PED use. 

Would I excuse it again? I HATE PEDS!!!!! But in extreme cases of health/physical recouperation in the lead up to seminal fights? I think perhaps there is actually a place for monitered PED use. Is that hypocritical? Probably. Will I regret that. Probably.

Looking back now it seems a bit obvoius and perhaps we should we have seen it. He bulked up a lot whilst recuperating, I've never seen Anderson look so ripped but we all put it down to only being able to work out the upper body and no way assumed it might be a possible by product of PEDs to aid rejuvination (my assumption again). No one would have suspected given how highly regarded Silva is for his squeeky clean image. But also think about it. That type of injury. That is mentally harcore. To step back in the ring. To only remember the failed tests would be a travesty.

End fanboy rant

Why I just don't care to read all of that. Phone Post 3.0

I kid kid. Diaz doesn't surprise me. He seems to be saying this is me take it or leave it these days.
Silva was kinda shocking because its him. Realistically he's like 40yrs old. Has to be damn near impossible to get back in form fighting at his level after that injury without taking something. Assuming he wasn't on PEDs before but never fucked up and got caught.
This really make me think all these fighters and ppl like Victor Conte(sp) that say everybody uses are correct. Phone Post 3.0

Blunted Ninja - I kid kid. Diaz doesn't surprise me. He seems to be saying this is me take it or leave it these days.
Silva was kinda shocking because its him. Realistically he's like 40yrs old. Has to be damn near impossible to get back in form fighting at his level after that injury without taking something. Assuming he wasn't on PEDs before but never fucked up and got caught.
This really make me think all these fighters and ppl like Victor Conte(sp) that say everybody uses are correct. Phone Post 3.0

It's definately a lot higher than I ever gave it credit to be but I don't think this Silva case demonstrates anything about the wider prevelance. I think it's too individual. Too specific to the fighter and the injury. I am more sorry for Silva in this instance. Usually I am furious at the fighter who used PEDs and sympathetic to the fighter who fought them