Why is Din's injury different??

BMF12 - A win is a win.However, its a tough loss for a guy that dominates the entire fight up until the point he gets injured and winds up losing. Bottom line is the injured guy lost.

are you referring to BJ/Hughes or Kenny/Din?

PTA - 
BMF12 - A win is a win.However, its a tough loss for a guy that dominates the entire fight up until the point he gets injured and winds up losing. Bottom line is the injured guy lost.

are you referring to BJ/Hughes or Kenny/Din?

Not referencing any fight in particular.

"the difference is randy caused the broken nose and the broken nose wasnt the definitive cause of the ending of the fight. end of thread."

So you pick one of the many instances mentioned and act like you bring us groundbreaking news?

he said end of thread ... rip

Off the top of my head...BJ seperated a rib against Hughes. It was due to BJ attmepting to take the back, and not from a punch or anything. He looked like shit after that and lost the fight shortly after the injury. It was not the intent of Hughes to injure his rib.

I can't believe people still believe that even after BJ admitted (before the Stevenson fight) that he was lazy before and never trained hard.

Did he break his rib in the GSP fight too?

The fact that he was lazy doesn't make the fact that he seperated a rib not true...and no, as far as I know he didn't injure himself in the GSP fight. Looked to me like he lost a close decision.