Why isn't insert non-UFC show marketing?

Do we need this thread every time another promoter does a show?

Someone should tell these idiot promoters that are sinking millions of dollars into MMA that they are COMPLETELY FORGETTING that they need an audience and the geniuses on the UG have figured this out!!

One of these days a promoter will figure it out and buy airtime during every television show that UG'ers happen to watch and put a billboard on everyone's way to work.

Elite XC has been running ads during Football, has had (correct me if I am wrong) Kimbo on Kimmel, Gina on Craig Whatshisface's late late show. Espn has been talking about the event, I have heard radio ads. What else do you want them to do?

I agree with you.  EliteXC has done a shitload for this event.  Yet some troll still made the "Why isn't Elite marketing thread AGAIN. 

Me:   They have.  There's a million ads during NFL football

Them:  I don't watch football

Me:  Well, 50 million people do.  You're right, they should advertise during Grey's Anatomy or whatever program you specifically watch. 

This is probably the most annoying repeating thread on here.  Insinuating that television executives don't realize that they need to draw an audience is a little naive.

You're thread title isn't particularly clear, although I get it.