Pacquiao's last 3 opponents have a combined record of 101 wins, 7 losses and 1 draw. All full time boxers. And, he has expressed interest in fighting undefeated (27 - 0) Errol Spencer Jr soon.
Floyd's next "opponent" is 0 - 1 in boxing. His previous 2 foes had zero boxing experience. If he was raising money for charity by doing these sideshow fights, it would be ok. But, he clowns some novice then acts like it was some great accomplishment. If you want to be recognized for your boxing prowess, box some legitimate foes. Otherwise, be retired. Get a commentary gig, be a trainer or a promoter. No one can ever take away your achievements in the ring.
Win or lose, Manny has always been a warrior. I don't think Manny can beat Spence at his age. But, I respect him for being willing to try to prove me wrong. I suspect that win or lose, he's thinking one last big fight / payday. There are reports that he is planning a Presidential run soon.
Pacquiao's last 3 opponents have a combined record of 101 wins, 7 losses and 1 draw. All full time boxers. And, he has expressed interest in fighting undefeated (27 - 0) Errol Spencer Jr soon.
Floyd's next "opponent" is 0 - 1 in boxing. His previous 2 foes had zero boxing experience. If he was raising money for charity by doing these sideshow fights, it would be ok. But, he clowns some novice then acts like it was some great accomplishment. If you want to be recognized for your boxing prowess, box some legitimate foes. Otherwise, be retired. Get a commentary gig, be a trainer or a promoter. No one can ever take away your achievements in the ring.
Win or lose, Manny has always been a warrior. I don't think Manny can beat Spence at his age. But, I respect him for being willing to try to prove me wrong. I suspect that win or lose, he's thinking one last big fight / payday. There are reports that he is planning a Presidential run soon.
It's Crawford and Spence are ducking Manny.they are waiting for him to turn 50
Those two have no reason not to fight Manny,it'll be their biggest fight money and name wise yet they're not trying to make that time Spence mentioned Manny he said he'll fight him 5 fights down the line.
Manny is making bank of gimmick “fights” that have zero harm in hurting him in any way shape or form. Pac at this age is still out earning the hard way. Who is smarter?
Manny has pretty much proved himself and is done fighting. That shouldnt take away from his career
kungfugrip - Manny is making bank of gimmick "fights" that have zero harm in hurting him in any way shape or form. Pac at this age is still out earning the hard way. Who is smarter?
Manny has pretty much proved himself and is done fighting. That shouldnt take away from his career
If Manny was smart like Floyd he would be taking this exhibitions for millions besides still trying to box top level guys for a pay day. It’s been said for years he’s too generous with his money and the people around him would rip him off (Arum included).
Even if Manny blows all of his money from each and every fight he’ll never go broke. As the highest level celebrity the Philippines has ever had he’ll always have endorsements and the ability to use his name and likeness.
Additionally, as a politician with a legitimate Presidential chance, and failing that, lifelong roles at some level of government, he won’t ever hurt for cash.
His life may need adjustment if he screws up along the way but conversely, if he plays his political cards properly, he’ll make more money from that career than his boxing one.
Floyd has transcended boxing. In that arena, he has nowhere to go but down. He's undefeated, barely ever been touched, and is 40. He also won the game. In fact, he owns the game. He IS the game. If you go to a Mayweather event and buy a Pacquiao t-shirt, he even gets a cut of THAT.
Relative to what Floyd could be doing and with whom he could be doing it with, no one really outside of boxing cares about someone like Spence. These celeb crossover bouts are huge potential business, and pose little risk to Mayweather.
To be his age and to return to a sport he conquered long long ago to fight the young lions isn't very business savvy, because once Floyd loses, his earning potential plummets significantly.
Pacquiao's last 3 opponents have a combined record of 101 wins, 7 losses and 1 draw. All full time boxers. And, he has expressed interest in fighting undefeated (27 - 0) Errol Spencer Jr soon.
Floyd's next "opponent" is 0 - 1 in boxing. His previous 2 foes had zero boxing experience. If he was raising money for charity by doing these sideshow fights, it would be ok. But, he clowns some novice then acts like it was some great accomplishment. If you want to be recognized for your boxing prowess, box some legitimate foes. Otherwise, be retired. Get a commentary gig, be a trainer or a promoter. No one can ever take away your achievements in the ring.
Win or lose, Manny has always been a warrior. I don't think Manny can beat Spence at his age. But, I respect him for being willing to try to prove me wrong. I suspect that win or lose, he's thinking one last big fight / payday. There are reports that he is planning a Presidential run soon.
It's Crawford and Spence are ducking Manny.they are waiting for him to turn 50
Those two have no reason not to fight Manny,it'll be their biggest fight money and name wise yet they're not trying to make that time Spence mentioned Manny he said he'll fight him 5 fights down the line.
LOL. Errol would butcher Pacman. Technically superior and much more physical.