^ Says the moron who thinks others dislike a fighter due to her sexuality even when a large contingent of WMMA fighters are gay.
You’re right, I’m an idiot for posting a real thought in this thread rather than ignoring it like other troll/pointless threads that clutter up this place.
I don't like vanilla "mma fighters" of any sexuality. I'd rather watch a boring ass Maia fight any day over some poop butt "well rounded" mma fighter out point the other fighter to a decision
I don’t like nunes because I think she’s has this delusion that everyone hates her so that gives her a right to be an asshole publicly. I don’t believe she’s the best in the division, but she’s a great fighter. I don’t give a fuck if she’s not “attractive” because I pay to watch to ufc shows for fights not to jerk off.
She really worked my nerves nerves after being petty with Ronda. She apologized for that so I don’t hold it against her anymore but since that she keeps doing and saying these little things that urk me.
She’s a masculine looking lesbian Brazilian. I associate her with dirty 3rd world ugliness and the fact she’s a lezbo and a brutal fighter makes her all that more disgusting to me.
I think of her battered brown skin sweaty thighs with a dark hair and dark lipped vagina and then I think about how she runs to the cage to talk shit after a KO win lookin at bitchy and un-lady like… She just grosses me out and I can’t wait for a new champion. Preferably a white, blonde hair, soft spoken, sexy/sporty chick.
I know I'm in a minority here, but I think she's kinda cute in a weird, tomboyish way. I'd sooner bang her over that weird looking Russian chick she just fought.
I don’t like nunes because I think she’s has this delusion that everyone hates her so that gives her a right to be an asshole publicly. I don’t believe she’s the best in the division, but she’s a great fighter. I don’t give a fuck if she’s not “attractive” because I pay to watch to ufc shows for fights not to jerk off.
She really worked my nerves nerves after being petty with Ronda. She apologized for that so I don’t hold it against her anymore but since that she keeps doing and saying these little things that urk me.
Yeah i didnt dislike her before the Ronda fight but a little after she started act like everyone was bad mouthing her but no one was. And then she started trash talking badly , shes comes off as a cunt , not entertaining eg conor trash talk...hes just a funny cunt.
Didn't see her fight last night, loved her performances against rousey, Tate, McCann and baszler.... Hell she has a knockout win over the former 145 champ on gdr
people saying she's fought safe since getting the belt, she's had 2 defenses and finished 1 not really a big enough sample size to claim her to now be a point fighter especially when she has 13 finishes in 15 wins... Ffs she's been to decision 3 times in 19 fights she's a kill or be killed fighter
Sage Northcock - ^ I dont have to call you gay. You ARE gay if you honestly think that. Im not even insulting you either... you're literally gay and Im sorry you had to find out like this.
I don’t care one way or the other about her. She was exciting in the Ronda fight, but she knew Ronda had nothing on the feet and went headhunting, successfully.
With Valentina she knew she had a striker to deal with, played it insanely safe and was boring as hell.
Valentina should have won that fight 48-47 at least. 49-46 is how I saw it. But I understand it’s hard to win a belt on decision unless it’s total domination - I’m talking GSP style domination - if it doesn’t end with a finish.
I don’t mind her, just not a fan is all. I’ve been a fan of Valentina for awhile. Was hoping to see that Russian dance again.