Why Not Sakara-Mayhem?

 I like Aaron SImpson and all, but Mayhem is a star aleady because of the MTV thing and he needs a better first opponent. Miller-Simpson has a very high chance of being a bore.

The solution is Alessio Sakara. Sakara will beat on Mayhem like the pro vs the bully in the striking segment. It would be like Arlovski vs. that fat kid. Sakara has a look that will get him over with the people Mayhem brought over after he leaves their hero in a pool of blood, teeth, piss and sweat. Sakara has the most fan friendly style in the entire UFC.

Then the winner of this can get Bisping, not Brian Stann.

Sakara Scimmia (that means monkey) Numero Uno

I would be an italian for this fight.

 this would be an apocolyptic matchup

 Can you still write your Sakara threads in Lupo speak please?

"Mamma mia! Dissa guy! I never beena so annoyed in alla my life! Chiudi quella cazzo di bocca! Stunad!"

Viva Sakara


Santino Marella speak?

jjj2121 -  ^^^

Santino Marella speak?<br type="_moz" />

They don't have italians where I live, so I just assumed Santino is pretty authentic.

One time I met Santino outside of an Applebee's. Asked him for his autograph, then he hit me with the Cobra Strike.

I haven't been the same since...

Squared Circle - 
jjj2121 -  ^^^

Santino Marella speak?<br type="_moz" />

They don't have italians where I live, so I just assumed Santino is pretty authentic.
Do all Italians suddenly develop Unibrows at around 30?


Squared Circle - 
jjj2121 -  ^^^

Santino Marella speak?<br type="_moz" />

They don't have italians where I live, so I just assumed Santino is pretty authentic.

 Santino's Italian is very good for a Canadian. When he says John Ch-ena, it cracks me up. If could do a very credible Italian speaking English if they didn't make him go Over the top like Linc Hawk. Funny dude.

If Brock retires, Santino has to take the WWE MMA torch and do work.

jjj2121 - 
Squared Circle - 
jjj2121 -  ^^^

Santino Marella speak?<br type="_moz" />

They don't have italians where I live, so I just assumed Santino is pretty authentic.
Do all Italians suddenly develop Unibrows at around 30?

30? More like 15?


GingerWhinger - 
jjj2121 - 
Squared Circle - 
jjj2121 -  ^^^

Santino Marella speak?<br type="_moz" />

They don't have italians where I live, so I just assumed Santino is pretty authentic.
Do all Italians suddenly develop Unibrows at around 30?

30? More like 15?

Santino's showed up a little later in life.

Alls I know is Simpson-Mayhem is gonna stink the joint up and Sakara in his infinate kindness will allow Jorge Rivera to get half of the FOTN bonus.

Joe Silva.....do the right thing for once. You gave us Weidman as a last minute and everyone hated it.

FORZA SAKARA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SEMPRE IL MIGLIORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NON COMPERTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!