Why not take 5 min....

I cannot recall the last time I saw fighter get hit in the groin and take the full 5 minutes. Im a kenny fan but why didnt din take a longer break? Is it the adrenaline, the crowd... or is it because they really can shake it off that fast?

turn on them for what ? Delay ? Not their fault.

thats kind of what Im thinkng. there must be some kind presure for them to continue on. i dont know.

5 minutes is an adrenaline dump imo. Best to get going again the moment you are able to.

They also probably don't want to cool down too much.

in my experience the other guy is usually tired so they dont want him to rest.

I would definitely take the full 5 mins good if they caught me in the grundle.

A lot of the shots you see are the foot, maybe ankle, slipping up, and with a cup its understandable to take a quick break. But a shin to the cup would rock your testicles whole world quite literally. Five minutes was probably neccisarry, but you've got the pressure of the crowd and you don't want to be a pussy. Along with cooling down, letting your opponent rest...

Din could have, and some wouldn't blame him, that was sickening, i would have puked. But how many threads would there be on the UG calling him a bitch ?

I'm still upset about this fight... i almost want to cry.

he said grundle