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Sex: | Male |
User Since: | 01/26/08 |
Last Logged in: | 02/05/08 |
B/c mudnamers suck!!!
Because all of the cool kids are doing it!
If that is a Tranny, I may be a little bit gay.
Thanks Kirik! And sorry about the mispelling guys, I had been drinking when I posted that. But after reading alot of the other threads I just assumed that was a requirement
2 Words: Cage Blueprints!
congrats on the Blue!
heads to Tapout to check out sexzkaitlins nekkid pics
Fighter: | |||||||||||
[ no image on file ]
changes mind
Lol, I wanted to get to know the people on here before posting any pics...(now not so sure after seeing how those girls posted pics are used in other threads, lol, runs scared)
My name is Mike Serr .....
Mike Serr
Mike Serr learned how to apply "real world" fighting tactics that work like crazy… from being a bouncer in the nastiest bars in the world. After more than 500 bar fights, against the likes of major Mexican drug cartel elite "street cops" who kill for fun… he has earned his place as probably the most feared and respected fighter on the planet right now. He's the most notorious "cooler" on the planet. A cooler is a bouncer hired to clean up a joint that's been "contaminated" with gangs or criminals. Anytime an owner wanted to re-establish control over his own bar… just bring in Mike. Order will be restored. (Remember the movie "Roadhouse"? That's Mike's job.) Mike ALSO quickly became the "go to" bodyguard for top executives at the big natural gas corporation down there. It's 007 stuff, and Mike loved it. Allowed him to hone his more lethal skills, while getting paid to bust heads.
And Finally… his name never shows up in any "official" list… but Mike has been the number one choice of the U.S. military for battling smuggling crimes committed by Mexican police officers. These dirty cops are armed, trained… and often as big as a nose tackle. Bought and paid for by the big Medalin cocaine cartels, these crooked cops kill and steal and smuggle while wearing their badge. Not nice. Mike has total "Mission Impossible" permission to take `em out. If he's ever caught, he's on his own, however. So he never gets caught. Mike has 30 years experience in martial arts. Black belts up the yin-yang, official team member of the super-elite Gracie Ju Jitsu clan, world champion in multiple arts (with over 300 martial art matches won).
Cooler Fight Pack - Explosive Bar Room Tactics
You can go waste your time learning the difficult moves of other, more formal hand-to-hand systems. It may look prettier… but so what. When it comes down to it, you don't want "pretty".
You want "nasty".
Bars and foreign dark alleys are amazing places to hone your skills. Crowded, you can't tell the good guys from the bad guys, cheap shots all around, filthy tricks, people ready to laugh if you go down.
In your own world, you gotta be able to handle multiple attackers… fights that go from "nothing happening" to full-out lethal combat in two seconds… opponents twice your size, trained and hungry… dirt-bags who will set you up for an ass-kicking using their women as "bait", and other unfair tricks.
You gotta be ready for the "New" kind of fighting that's going on out there. The U.S. military insiders know this already — that's why they sought Mike out, and "insisted" he do their dirtiest undercover work.
You won't learn ANY of these moves and tactics in a dojo. Or even from a combat-hardened Spec Op soldier, or an experienced SWAT cop, or anyone else.
This is cutting edge stuff — so new, so effective, that just knowing about it will give you an unfair advantage.
Here's just a taste of what you're about to learn, fast and easy and simple.
This is what guys who must fight every night know about dominating opponents.
It is vicious stuff, and it will change your life from the inside out.
Sorry I`m just on a Mike Serr kick today. That`s not me Sexz,but my name is Mike. :-)
Lol, everybody has their quirks....
Congrats on the blue. You get to see ProMember only threads, which usually consist of blue's making fun of non-blue's. :)
If it helps, I had been drinking when I made fun of your spelling.
LOL, now if you guys wanted to do a real welcome then YOU should post naked pics? figured it was worth a try
post your pic.
Here I am in New Orleans at Marti Gras swooping up the beads.
^ Lol @ Crowbar. Too bad I couldn't find a younger man hung like that, without the saggy balls.....