WTF are they doing?
The beauty of UFC has always been that they have several fights and they're ALL top notch and exciting. That has been one of the biggest selling points that makes it way better than boxing.
So, why the hell would they abandon the successful formula and turn to the old boxing model?
I thought that was terribly underwhelming - a huge letdown. The worst thing is that they simply abandoned the formula that has made them successful. It really doesn't make any sense.
Being on Fox is cool. But why in the world would you change what's great about the UFC and show only 1 fight. That was awful.
When did the UFC abandon their formula?? There's the "old" formula next weekend...and it's an excellent card.
When did the UFC abandon their formula?? There's the "old" formula next weekend...and it's an excellent card.
whats really going to suck is if the Pacman Marquez fight rocks today. People will forget this fight ever happened.
DarrenJG - Being on Fox is cool. But why in the world would you change what's great about the UFC and show only 1 fight. That was awful.
All of the fights were online. You got to see more fights than you could have years ago.
I said this on another thread but if they showed the Bendo/Guida fight (which displayed all aspects of MMA for three rounds) a first round KO in the main event would have been perfect.
StayRad is clearly not very bright.
If you can't recognize that the beauty of the UFC model is that they have wall to wall action and numerous good fights per event, than you're just an idiot with a low IQ. Period.
THIS is one of the greatest things about the UFC and Dana White himself has long touted this aspect of MMA as a HUGE distinction that makes it better than boxing, which has long been dependent on 1 main fight per event.
Now, they abandon this advantage and turn to the old boxing model. This is not a good move. It is a simple thing and not hard to comprehend. I don't doubt Dana will even acknowledge this in the not too distant future.
The point is not that people can watch them on the web. There were many new viewers who were treated to boxing . . . I mean the UFC tonight and didn't get to see what is really great about the sport. It was a bad move.
They should've shown more fights- absolutely. And the reason why I say this is because stars in MMA can be made over night. I don't EVER recall watching a boxing undercard and thinking I saw the "next big thing". But goddamn, I've seen many MMA undercard fights thinking "I don't care who that was, I want more!"
2 fights would have been great tonight especially with the only fight lasting a minute and four seconds. Nobody can predict how long a fight will last, it was too bad it was so short.
However, I have always been a big boxing guy from a little kid to an adult. One thing I loved about boxing was the hype, the lead up to the fights. And I got that tonight with the UFC. Once the event started, the production, the taking time to talk about the fighters, the background of the fighters and then finally the fight! I loved it, it was excitement for me. Well done UFC.
this was just the first fight for fox. it was a teaser. they haven't even started using the new format or figure out how many fights will air in the future.
GNPfan - Once the event started, the production, the taking time to talk about the fighters, the background of the fighters and then finally the fight! I loved it, it was excitement for me. Well done UFC.
The problem with this (because this was to appeal to new prospective fans) is that there wasn't a showcasing of what MMA can live up to. That said, it's their show, it was free, so I really can't complain.
They had said this is not part of the UFC contract with FOX, next year we will see whole fight cards on FOX. This is an event planned between the two for fun and promotion value.
Next year if what they say is correct we'll see full PPV's on FOX.
You can't get people to gather around a computer to watch the fights then have them move over to watch it on TV.
jave, I hope you're right. The UFC would really be undercutting their success to move away from the multi-fight format that has made them so successful.
Goddamn, StayRad is a real dipshit.
DarrenJG - jave, I hope you're right. The UFC would really be undercutting their success to move away from the multi-fight format that has made them so successful.If you are going to accuse people of being not bright, you ought to at least have your head out of your ass long enough to know what is going on.