Woodley: "why the f*ck did I drop my hand"

@ 2:00

So the hoard of crytards on the underground could spend countless amounts of energy crying about it on the internet screaming about fixes to anyone within earshot.

It’s been a blast and highly enjoyable.

Thanks Tyron.

I apologize, I don’t speak retard.

Could someone please translate.

Thanks in advance.


Which word in the English language did you need a translation for? Or was it the single made up word “crytards” that was absolutely beyond your mental capacity to figure out?

You’re quite the shining light of brilliance if you couldn’t understand that post.

Congratulations genius.



He dropped his hand so that he can hear his mom’s invaluable advice from the stands.

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This thread so far…

angry tv show GIF by CBBC

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pepsi GIF


I see you white knighting for gay boi Jake Paul on every fucking thread. Maybe you take his dick out of your mouth for awhile, you know, to catch your breath for a minute…

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I just enjoy the entertainment for what it is.

I don’t dedicate the energy people like you do crying over him.

It’s hilarious. Keep it up.

Woodley: “why the f*ck did I drop my hand”
Me: “because he feigned the hook to your body”


Why the fuck did you drop the album?

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No he didn’t…

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It wasn’t a feint but he did start low looking at Woodley’s body making Woodley think he was going for a body shot. The announcers commented on it and Jake said the same thing.

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Because your boxing is the same level as your rapping

Jake was leading with jabs to the body all night. Woodley had been conditioned to block low.