would alistair be ufc hw champ?

Funny hearing that dumbass announcer saying that some barroom brawler (Buentello) is on the same level striking wise as an experienced (K1) Dutch kickboxer (Alistair).

Some of this shit that comes out of people's necks is fucking downright ignorant and disrespectful.

Is that punchdrunk Ken's commentary? Poor soul.

Fat ass Mexico had too much Carne didn't he? Typical..


walr?s - 
aikmanr - He's too weak on the ground. He'd get submitted or GNP'd by the top guys.

 he won the European ADCC trials, you choad licker.

Yes, he's got a great guillotine. Does not mean that the top GNP guys would not and should not be favored over him. I'd love to see Overeem in the UFC but there is no erason to believe he will simply walk through the current champions.


Definitely looking like a contender as of late, need to see the man fight a bona fide top ten MMA HW first and foremost.

Elias Cepeda - 
walr?s - 
aikmanr - He's too weak on the ground. He'd get submitted or GNP'd by the top guys.

 he won the European ADCC trials, you choad licker.
Yes, he's got a great guillotine. Does not mean that the top GNP guys would not and should not be favored over him. I'd love to see Overeem in the UFC but there is no erason to believe he will simply walk through the current champions.

You should actually watch the ADCC's he was in. He didn't walk in to any picknick. You actually have to position yourself in ADCC in an art call "grappling." Being labeld a striker back then, and actually taking it to bonifide grapplers was impressive. Not to mention that he's developed so much of his ground game since then. Just because we haven't seen it much (b/c he's knocking people the fuck out) doesn't mean it doens't exist.

Catch my drift?

The hype is a little overblown.

The up and down Overeem goes on a winning streak against less than stellar comp, blows up and gains 20 lbs and is suddenly seen as a world beater.

This is forgetting that a little over a year ago, he got beat down by a slow and fat Sergei Kharitonov, who wasn't even able to train properly for the match.

Look past the extra muscle, and he seems to be the same fighter he always has been. Talented, skilled, and dangerous early, but it still is a large question as to whether he can perform his best against the top fighters, and if his heart and gas will last more than one round.

I will say that he fights more intelligently with his stand up now. It bugged me for years that a guy with good kickboxing and a long, long reach would make the stupid decision of trying low percentage flying knees that brought him right into clinching with his opponents. At least now he uses that reach and fights more calmly and precisely.

walr?s - 
aikmanr - He's too weak on the ground. He'd get submitted or GNP'd by the top guys.

 he won the European ADCC trials, you choad licker.

Look at his MMA record you idiot. He has struggled against great grapplers. Arona and Rogerio tooled him. He got subbed by Werdum and TKO'd twice by Shogun. The top guys at HW in the UFC on the ground would be Mir, Lesnar, Nogueira and Couture. All of these guys provide similar styles to those listed above.

Lesnar - There's no way that Overeem Guillotines him, he would gas and get TKO'd.

Nogueira - Similar to his brother, he'd get superior position and win via TKO, sub or decision. It wouldn't be close.

Couture - He would grind out Overeem (similar to the Gonzaga fight). Eventually wearing him out then winning by TKO.

Mir - He would likely have the toughest time against Overeem, but a submission would be possible.

I never said that he couldn't compete against anyone in the UFC on the ground. But the cream of the crop would defeat him. Overeem hasn't beat anyone of true quality since his win of Kharitonov. I find him to be exciting, but the hype on here is simply not realistic.

umm.. Its easy making a list similar to your own

Couture? Didnt he get tapped in like a minute by Alistairs brother?

Noguiera? The guy who literally looked like a punching bag against Frank Mir of all people? Alistar would have sent his head into the 10th row. His wrestling is 10 times better than Mirs and he is a much better and harder hitter

Mir? He has no wrestling ability and Brandon Vera the wannabe K-1 striker KOd him brutally on the feet

That leaves Lesnar

There's a different look in Overeem's eyes now when he fights, compared to back in the day.

I actually have the start of an Overeem highlight I've been making here, no effects really yet.


Uploaded it to show a friend the Hari clips.

Waiting for him to crush a few more people to finish it up.
Hopefully. Even as a fan I realise he needs to string a few more wins together for him to catch up to the hype.

 I think Brock beats him (probably rather easily) but he'd at least compete with most of the top HW's.  I think Carwin & Velasquez beat him in the near future also (i.e. any top wrestler).

smoogy - If he does sign, it will be 1 introduction fight and then straight to a title shot, because Overeem isn't gonna be cheap. Whether he stays with FEG or goes to UFC, he will be pulling down at least 200k per fight

Agreed.  He'll get the CC treatment.  If he loses 2 in a row he's gone.

The UFC would just send their 205# Shogun to put him into sleepyland like he already did...poor cardio and all.

Who was that guy in those videos against Buentello? Def. not the same as the guy who beat Badr Hari to a pulp?! Strikeforce was in America (testing), K1 was in Japan (no testing). HUGE difference in appearance as well as performance. I would love to see the K1 Overeeem in the UFC, but he will need to perform the same way after being regularly tested before I would tap him as the next Heavyweight champ.

That being said, I loved Dana's video blog. Overeem seemed relatively interested. He did look enormous! I love a huge striker like that. Let's hope this new Overeem "translates well" to the UFC.

aikmanr - He's too weak on the ground. He'd get submitted or GNP'd by the top guys.

yeah, he only won the european adcc trials, all wins by guillitine...his ground game is too weak for the ufc.

Bah, he was younger then. He's heavyweight now and can dominate the likes of a run cro-cop.

Threeboy - Bah, he was younger then.

No shit Sherlock. So wasn't Chak and Shogun. What grade are you in and WTF is a "run cro cop"?


victorpoprock -  ^^Look how small he is in those gifs! I would bet my house right now that he would demolish shogun and Liddell in the same night!

and at he same time. his striking is phenomenal now -- great technique and amazing power.

Diego stole my name - umm.. Its easy making a list similar to your own

Couture? Didnt he get tapped in like a minute by Alistairs brother?

Noguiera? The guy who literally looked like a punching bag against Frank Mir of all people? Alistar would have sent his head into the 10th row. His wrestling is 10 times better than Mirs and he is a much better and harder hitter

Mir? He has no wrestling ability and Brandon Vera the wannabe K-1 striker KOd him brutally on the feet

That leaves Lesnar

Except that your justifications are retarded and not based on facts. Overeem hasn't done shit in MMA at HW and was beat down by all the top 10 guys at LHW that he faced.