Would you cut the "season" if you were PFL?

So PFL has two "regular season" fights for twelve fighters and then eight who score the most points based on how they win then get to be in the "playoffs" 8-man tournaments.

If you ran the PFL would you cut the regular season and the points?

I think PFL with be better served to have the traditional 16-man tourny and they could do the "round of 16" in the summer instead of the dumb season fights with points.

Related question... if UFC did a single 16-man tourny a year and did it as fast as PRIDE could do one (5 months) over three shows, what weight would you enjoy most seeing featured in a 16 man toury. I'd like nothing more than to see 16 of the best UFC LWs in a 16 man GP that took place over five months. I'd seed it so Khabib and Gaethje were on oppositve sides of the brackets and the tourny would of course also include Tony, Conor, Charles, Poirier, Makhachev, Ferreira, Dober, Santos, Gillespie etc... so you know it would be the most exciting series of UFC cards you have seen in years.

I just don’t get the purpose of a 2 fight season. It doesn’t give us a good idea on who the best fighters are as its dependent on initial fight matchups and styles. 2 fights is just too short. I could understand “pool play” but that would not be practical for Mma

I think PFL should just go with a 16 fighter tourney but there’s a huge chance of several big fighters winning but getting injured thus not continuing. This almost completely takes away the magic of a tournament

155 UFC 16 man tourney sounds good but you’d have quite a few fighters bowing out…I think…if the bellator FW Grand Prix ever finishes up, I’m interested to see how it turns out in the end… So far, so good

The PFL's regular season is too hard to follow. I have blogged it like 10 times and still don't get the intricacies, at all. A 16-man makes more sense, at least to someone not so fast like me.

Kirik - 

The PFL's regular season is too hard to follow. I have blogged it like 10 times and still don't get the intricacies, at all. A 16-man makes more sense, at least to someone not so fast like me.

Don’t sell yourself short Kirik. What you lack in mental acumen you more than make up for with your acute sense of whimsy.