would you pay 2500$ for a website?

or is it too much?

depends how much you're going to bring in via your site.

sheesh, jujubre, I said I'd take alittle less..... :o)

yes ill do it for 1000. Graphic Design trained. flash based or norm 678-559-6312

I do web design for free. http://people.bu.edu/eg/bumma
I guess that makes me a loser.

skiistari, drop me an email at reddevilusa@gmail.com


I just spent 2,500$ on my website for my new school. Seemed like a rip off to me but the site isn't finished yet so I don't know.

lol. Adonis is correct.

Most web desginers don't know shit about marketing either--they will charge a ton of money for a site that won't do squat to convert lookers into buyers/clients/students.

And, without a way to follow up and convert leads into students, repeat buyers, etc you will be wasting tons of cash.

You need a template, a few good copywriting books, a autoresponder for opt-in emails...and that's about it.
Dan Kennedy is a great place to start--his book "The Ultimate Sales Letter" is gold, and will give you a good idea of what your site should do.




You was robbed

ok...i should be a site where you can sell products.

For exemple what would you pay for a site like sherdog.com or senshistore.fr?



your website does look pretty crappy. Maybe you can start a thread asking for advice on how to approve it, because it is not looking good right now. Your material is fine, but the presentation is subpar.

Good luck.


Good sites cost that much and more. Most people pay to little and get crap. Keep in mind your site is often the first impression of your business and your web address is often handed out as a refferal tool.

you get what you pay for dude

I do sites and can give you a fair price:






The truth is, prices are all over the place. If you look long and hard enough, you'll probably find a shop that will do a perfect job for $200 or less, and shops that suck ass that would charge you $15,000.

As you investigage designers, make sure you spend a lot of time looking through their portfolios. I'll tell you the same thing I tell my Web design clients: If you like what a designer has done for others, you'll probably like what they'd do for you. If you don't like what they've done for others, chances are your artistic tastes magically lining up are slim, and you probably won't be happy with the results.

With that said, don't just look at sites from an artistic perspective. Look at them from a marketing perspective, as Iceberg Slim suggested, if the objective is to make money. Look at the sites they've designed, and try to determine if the designs market themselves effectively. For example, if you see a lot of Flash sites or Flash intros, run like hell. Anyone who would design that way may be a good artist, but clearly doesn't know the first thing about Web site marketing.

The vast majority of sites out there do a lot more to stroke the artists' egos than to promote products/services.


43 when searching for "seo service" on Google. Not bad, for one of the most competitive search phrases you could possibly target.

No top-100 listing for "search engine optimization" though. But that has to be next to impossible.

seo-guy may be good at seo, but not so much at design...

flag #1: giant, pointless, real estate munching flash (!!!!) graphic
