WOW, not another black eye for BJJ

A JG affiliation school, owner is Tim. Phone Post 3.0

How does that equal a black eye for BJJ? They were medical users and the article states that through a "bizarre" effect of the way the law is written edibles are not covered by the law. Does not seem like a big deal for BJJ, and I did not see BJJ mentioned when I skimmed the article. Was that the right link? Phone Post 3.0

Lol Phone Post 3.0

I for one am shocked that anyone in jiu jitsu would use the marijuana.

Since the majority of Americans are for legalization the prosecuting attorney better hope this doesn't go to a jury.

Tango_MF - I for one am shocked that anyone in jiu jitsu would use the marijuana.


A black eye and red asshole for op Phone Post 3.0

They broke the law and all so should be help accountable.

Victim-less crime imo though. Hope they don't get in too much trouble.

Cannibutter is great with pancakes.


I sucked dick for coke. You ever sucked dick for marijuana?

Tango_MF - I for one am shocked that anyone in jiu jitsu would use the marijuana.

yep,its a crazy world