Nov 19th in San Jose
Hendo - Shogun
Wandy - Cung
Faber - Bowles
Story - Kampmann
Bonnar - Kingsbury
Bader - Brilz
Lawlor - Weidman
Tibau - Don Anjos
Torres - Pace
Brown - Baczynski
Bailey - Castillo
2.5 wks out, this card snuck up fast on me.
I thought it was too early to be happy about this card? Are we not suppose to be bitching about 138 still? lol
I cant call Bonnar-Kings And Story-Kampmann
Its nice to see Wandi-Shogun on the same card
i don't think i can watch wanderlei get knocked out again.
this is a solid prelim card
Bader - Brilz
Lawlor - Weidman
Tibau - Don Anjos
Torres - Pace
DamnSevern - this is a solid prelim card
Bader - Brilz
Lawlor - Weidman
Tibau - Don Anjos
Torres - Pace
better than the main card for 138.
BJJkilla - i don't think i can watch wanderlei get knocked out again.
Cung Le doesn't have to pop that Leben does. Not to mention he doesn't spend nearly the kind of time training as he should. Wandy is going to show him why you need to be a full time fighter to be in the UFC. None of the fighters ever do well after coming off these movie layoffs.
I_Heart_Guidos -jjj2121 - 2.5 wks out, this card snuck up fast on me.
Still plenty of time for it to be decimated by injuries.
Thanks for being that stream of shit, raining on the parade.
jjj2121 -DamnSevern - this is a solid prelim card
Bader - Brilz
Lawlor - Weidman
Tibau - Don Anjos
Torres - Pace
better than the main card for 138.
Sad, but true. At least its free.
DamnSevern - this is a solid prelim card
Bader - Brilz
Lawlor - Weidman
Tibau - Don Anjos
Torres - Pace
Lawlor/Weidman is a great matchup. Looking forward to that fight.
I_Heart_Guidos -jjj2121 - 2.5 wks out, this card snuck up fast on me.
Still plenty of time for it to be decimated by injuries.
That's a shitty thing to say.
going to be a great card
jjj2121 -DamnSevern - this is a solid prelim card
Bader - Brilz
Lawlor - Weidman
Tibau - Don Anjos
Torres - Pace
better than the main card for 138.
how can you not be excited for Leben, Papy and Pickett
Gaspare -jjj2121 -DamnSevern - this is a solid prelim card
Bader - Brilz
Lawlor - Weidman
Tibau - Don Anjos
Torres - Pace
better than the main card for 138.
how can you not be excited for Leben, Papy and Pickett
I prefer the 139 prelims to the 138 main card. Fights are fights and I'll watch all of them.
jjj2121 -No love for Alves?Gaspare -jjj2121 -DamnSevern - this is a solid prelim card
Bader - Brilz
Lawlor - Weidman
Tibau - Don Anjos
Torres - Pace
better than the main card for 138.
how can you not be excited for Leben, Papy and Pickett
I prefer the 139 prelims to the 138 main card. Fights are fights and I'll watch all of them.
Jack Skellington - Nov 19th in San Jose
Hendo - Shogun
Wandy - Cung
Faber - Bowles
Story - Kampmann
Bonnar - Kingsbury
Bader - Brilz
Lawlor - Weidman
Tibau - Don Anjos
Torres - Pace
Brown - Baczynski
Bailey - Castillo
Great card but I'm sure you post this exact same thread about every 3rd UFC event.
However, I shall let it slide in the name of the Baboo Baby.
BJJkilla - i don't think i can watch wanderlei get knocked out again.
I sincerely thought he was dead after the last one, I was waiting for the tv to go black and read"were experiencing technical difficulties" lmao
Seriously STOKED for this card.
rockwell -Jack Skellington - Nov 19th in San Jose
Hendo - Shogun
Wandy - Cung
Faber - Bowles
Story - Kampmann
Bonnar - Kingsbury
Bader - Brilz
Lawlor - Weidman
Tibau - Don Anjos
Torres - Pace
Brown - Baczynski
Bailey - Castillo
Great card but I'm sure you post this exact same thread about every 3rd UFC event.
However, I shall let it slide in the name of the Baboo Baby.
What can I say? The last couple of PPV's have been outstanding!