Wrestlin like Checkers n Jiu Jitsu like Chess.

joshjitsu - I think the analogy is correct if your comparing the technical aspects of the 2 sports.

If that's what you think you're wrong. Your understanding of wrestling technique is probably about on par with your ability to properly abbreviate the words "you are".

You are wrong,

Please name a Top jiu-jitsu guy, that wont be consider an athlete.

"You can make it to the top of Bjj without being the best athlete out there, but you will NEVER make it to that level in wrestling without being a amazing athlete."

All competitive forms of fighting are like chess.

I have been training jiu-jitsu for ten years and a couple months ago I rolled with the guy Efren (?), that won the Ultimate Fighter, and he schooled me from a wrestling (of course) and jj sense. I didn't expect to win, just expected to do better than I did. Very humbling.

Wrestling guys get good at jj very fast and I don't think that works in reverse. There are numerous examples of this from "decent" wrestlers as well. They have come into the academies that I have trained at, and just started wrecking shop after a few months, winning Pan Am, Nationals, and even worlds.

Blue please


In reference to last post.

iant - I have been training jiu-jitsu for ten years and a couple months ago I rolled with the guy Efren (?), that won the Ultimate Fighter, and he schooled me from a wrestling (of course) and jj sense. I didn't expect to win, just expected to do better than I did. Very humbling.

Wrestling guys get good at jj very fast and I don't think that works in reverse. There are numerous examples of this from "decent" wrestlers as well. They have come into the academies that I have trained at, and just started wrecking shop after a few months, winning Pan Am, Nationals, and even worlds.

Hasnt Effrain been training at BJJ for like 5 years now, at a crazy pace (5-6 days a week several hours a day)? I have a feeling in a few years he has more BJJ mat time than you do in your 10. Not to imply he didnt learn fast or that coming from a wrestling base didnt help him, but fact is, he isnt exactly a weekend warrior.

bamx2 - You are wrong,

Please name a Top jiu-jitsu guy, that wont be consider an athlete.

"You can make it to the top of Bjj without being the best athlete out there, but you will NEVER make it to that level in wrestling without being a amazing athlete."
I think he's just saying that the overall level of athleticism is higher in wrestling. But rather than this being due to a lack of technical requirements in wrestling a more likely explanation is that better athletes are putting more time into wrestling than into BJJ. If all the top wrestlers had trained in BJJ instead of wrestling it would be just as difficult to reach the top in BJJ as it currently is in wrestling.

yabadaba - 
bamx2 - You are wrong,

Please name a Top jiu-jitsu guy, that wont be consider an athlete.

"You can make it to the top of Bjj without being the best athlete out there, but you will NEVER make it to that level in wrestling without being a amazing athlete."
I think he's just saying that the overall level of athleticism is higher in wrestling. But rather than this being due to a lack of technical requirements in wrestling a more likely explanation is that better athletes are putting more time into wrestling than into BJJ. If all the top wrestlers had trained in BJJ instead of wrestling it would be just as difficult to reach the top in BJJ as it currently is in wrestling.<br type="_moz" />

Isnt it easier to just say, Wrestling draws on a much larger pool of talent than BJJ, since just in the US TONS of highschools alone offer free training. Its alot harder to get to the top in Judo than BJJ too, for similar reasons. I dont know what that has to do with technical differences though.

stlnl2 - Isnt it easier to just say, Wrestling draws on a much larger pool of talent than BJJ, since just in the US TONS of highschools alone offer free training. Its alot harder to get to the top in Judo than BJJ too, for similar reasons. I dont know what that has to do with technical differences though.
Yes, it boils down to the larger talent pool and the same can be said for Judo. His argument was that since you don't have to be as good an athlete to make it to the top in BJJ this implies that BJJ is more technical and relies less on athleticism. My point is that a more likely explanation is the respective talent pools.


^^^it does seem like wrestling has a higher standard of rigor for the cardio and strength training than most BJJ programs I've seen. Not that it says much about the technical aspects of either.

it's very simple.

the difference is that almost everyone who wrestles does so to compete. the training is geared toward competition. the average joe jitsu player doesn't want to compete and trains for self defense. we probably have about 240 plus students total and only about 10% compete. i started out as a wrestler and know from experience that competition training for bjj can be just as strenuous as wrestling practice depending on what school you are with.

and i guarantee that no "decent" wrestler would smash any of our competitors from a high blue belt up.

yhknq - wrestlers dominated bjj guys

At wrestling?

You guys can call me an idiot if it makes ya feel good, there are ton's of wrestlers that have gotten serious about BJJ that will agree with what I posted.

joshjitsu - You guys can call me an idiot if it makes ya feel good, there are ton's of wrestlers that have gotten serious about BJJ that will agree with what I posted.

You can cite all the mythical "ton's" of wrestlers you want, but your unsubstantiated appeal to authority doesn't make your opinion any more valid. It's not that you're an idiot so much as it is that wrestling technique, much like proper use of the apostrophe, is clearly outside of your scope.

JohnSpittlehouse - 
joshjitsu - You guys can call me an idiot if it makes ya feel good, there are ton's of wrestlers that have gotten serious about BJJ that will agree with what I posted.

You can cite all the mythical "ton's" of wrestlers you want, but your unsubstantiated appeal to authority doesn't make your opinion any more valid. It's not that you're an idiot so much as it is that wrestling technique, much like proper use of the apostrophe, is clearly outside of your scope.

Let me start by saying you have completely owned me, and although it's nearly impossible to just have a discussion without trying to insult or "own" each other.

Back to what I was saying, I train with alot of really good wrestlers turned bjj players. I'm not making this up alot of these guys will tell you that the Bjj game is extremely more technical, and that it requires much more fore thought than wrestling.

Feel free to correct my grammar or punctuation.

joshjitsu - I think the analogy is correct if your comparing the technical aspects of the 2 sports. Bjj is much more technical and wrestling is more athletic attribute based. This is totally true. You can make it to the top of Bjj without being the best athlete out there, but you will NEVER make it to that level in wrestling without being a amazing athlete.

Now I am not trying to debate the effectiveness of either of the two in a MMA setting. Just the level of technicality in them.

Completely, and utterly wrong. Don't mistake speed and technique for just attributes.

Wrestling is even more technical than BJJ, there's no argument against this.

FILA, end of story.

<blockquote>DSIL - Just because wrestling doesn't have submissions, doesn't mean that it's not equally deep and complex as jiujitsu.</blockquote><br /><br /> This...and actually, true wrestling(CACC) does include submissions.<br />

stlnl2 - 
yhknq - wrestlers dominated bjj guys

At wrestling?

Shut up !

stlnl2 - 
guardbr8kr - any decent wrestler would smash most brown belts on the ground. That is a FACT!

I think not, unless by decent you mean world class.

You making a retard comment to go with the OP's is only making you both look like retards. Perhaps you guys can combine and come up with something sensible.

Where is your jew zitsue now?

bamx2 - You are wrong,

Please name a Top jiu-jitsu guy, that wont be consider an athlete.

"You can make it to the top of Bjj without being the best athlete out there, but you will NEVER make it to that level in wrestling without being a amazing athlete."

Um, I love the guy but Roy Fucking Nelson.