Mr Stark - jacobdoerr is the unfortunate victim of an insular Jiu Jitsu culture where fresh white belts congratulate themselves for the victories of those who came before them. He knows only what he has been told within this culture, and he has been told that Jiu Jitsu is inherently superior to wrestling. To confirm this he scoured the world. But rather than seeking out impartial sources, he made his inquiries only within the small pockets of culture that would bounce his own beliefs right back at him.
After hearing these ideas of superiority echoed enough times they shaped his view of the world. Finally, knowing his beliefs to be true, he decided to take a stand and evangelize, preaching outside the walls of the cultural echo chambers. That's when he made the decision to post on Facebook.
Hazelett vs Story - wrestling wins. Guida vs Dos Anjos - wrestling wins. Hughes vs Almeida - wrestling wins. Fitch vs Alves - wrestling wins. Sonnen vs Silva - BJJ won.
Using MMA fighters is retarded, since EVERY FIGHTER trains a great deal of BJJ these days.
But, I didnt realize wrestling taught folks how to punch (guida and Hughes) or threaten submission (Fitch) all fight long. I guess I need to take a closer look.
Using MMA fighters is retarded, since EVERY FIGHTER trains a great deal of BJJ these days.
But, I didnt realize wrestling taught folks how to punch (guida and Hughes) or threaten submission (Fitch) all fight long. I guess I need to take a closer look.
No one in Russia does, and they do just fine.
And before you start with Fedor x Werdum, Werdum submits other blackbelts easily and Fedor was rushing him because he thought he was on queer street.
Hazelett vs Story - wrestling wins. Guida vs Dos Anjos - wrestling wins. Hughes vs Almeida - wrestling wins. Fitch vs Alves - wrestling wins. Sonnen vs Silva - BJJ barely won.
wrestling and BJJ are both great to say one is more technical than the other or better is opinion.IMO they both are great.At this point in life Im better at BJJ than I am at wrestling even though i started out wrestling baised.The 6 years I trained in BJJ whenever a new wrestler came in I always would be ready for a hard roll whether they are white belts or whatever. Most good wrestlers advance quick and are usually in good shape .They also are competitive as fuck so they get good fast
Hazelett vs Story - wrestling wins. Guida vs Dos Anjos - wrestling wins. Hughes vs Almeida - wrestling wins. Fitch vs Alves - wrestling wins. Sonnen vs Silva - BJJ <b>barely</b> won.
True, but Sonnen hasn't exactly been great against BJJ guys historically has he? He has many submission losses despite being a great wrestler.
Those results were all MMA fighters beating other MMA fighters anyway, not simply wrestling vs BJJ. Look at the context.
Story beat Hazelett with strikes
Guida broke Anjos' jaw standing
Hughes set up the choke with a punch
Fitch is actually a higher grade in jiu jitsu than Alves so no idea what that result proves in terms of wrestling vs BJJ. Alves' striking is his main attribute.
list of reasons why wrestlers are so damn tuf and adapt to jiujitsu easily ...
1)kids can start at the age of 4 .
2) its all about the competition / tournaments
3)learn early the value of the TAKEDOWN and STAYING ON TOP
5) HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of matches thru jrs / middle school / hs / college
6) learns the tech side and the sacrifices involved in cutting weight and maintaining low weight over a extended period of time
7) grueling / hot/ long practices while cutting weight makes men outta boys
8) lifting weights and becoming as functionally cock strong as a human can be ( even as a teen )
9) because wrestling is so organized in HS and even JR hi .... the pecking order and the competition to win is fierce ..... if jiujitsu could take off in HS ..... u would see the level rise by a huge margin , from where it is now.
10) the elite wrestlers i know personally of ( HS level and jr hi level ) spend a considerable amount more of their time on the mat + competitions than do say , your average jiujitsu competitor .
11) average wrestler is more times than not .... ALOT STRONGER than the average jiujitsu player . being a stronger athlete in the grappling arts is always a huge plus
joshjitsu - I think the analogy is correct if your comparing the technical aspects of the 2 sports. Bjj is much more technical and wrestling is more athletic attribute based. This is totally true. You can make it to the top of Bjj without being the best athlete out there, but you will NEVER make it to that level in wrestling without being a amazing athlete.
Now I am not trying to debate the effectiveness of either of the two in a MMA setting. Just the level of technicality in them.
Completely, and utterly wrong. Don't mistake speed and technique for just attributes.
Wrestling is even more technical than BJJ, there's no argument against this.
eqard 1 - list of reasons why wrestlers are so damn tuf and adapt to jiujitsu easily ...
1)kids can start at the age of 4 .
2) its all about the competition / tournaments
3)learn early the value of the TAKEDOWN and STAYING ON TOP
5) HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of matches thru jrs / middle school / hs / college
6) learns the tech side and the sacrifices involved in cutting weight and maintaining low weight over a extended period of time
7) grueling / hot/ long practices while cutting weight makes men outta boys
8) lifting weights and becoming as functionally cock strong as a human can be ( even as a teen )
9) because wrestling is so organized in HS and even JR hi .... the pecking order and the competition to win is fierce ..... if jiujitsu could take off in HS ..... u would see the level rise by a huge margin , from where it is now.
10) the elite wrestlers i know personally of ( HS level and jr hi level ) spend a considerable amount more of their time on the mat + competitions than do say , your average jiujitsu competitor .
11) average wrestler is more times than not .... ALOT STRONGER than the average jiujitsu player . being a stronger athlete in the grappling arts is always a huge plus
yep,wrestling is like a vacation in alaska in the middle of winter,bjj is a vacation in hawaii
eqard 1 - list of reasons why wrestlers are so damn tuf and adapt to jiujitsu easily ...
1)kids can start at the age of 4 .
2) its all about the competition / tournaments
3)learn early the value of the TAKEDOWN and STAYING ON TOP
5) HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of matches thru jrs / middle school / hs / college
6) learns the tech side and the sacrifices involved in cutting weight and maintaining low weight over a extended period of time
7) grueling / hot/ long practices while cutting weight makes men outta boys
8) lifting weights and becoming as functionally cock strong as a human can be ( even as a teen )
9) because wrestling is so organized in HS and even JR hi .... the pecking order and the competition to win is fierce ..... if jiujitsu could take off in HS ..... u would see the level rise by a huge margin , from where it is now.
10) the elite wrestlers i know personally of ( HS level and jr hi level ) spend a considerable amount more of their time on the mat + competitions than do say , your average jiujitsu competitor .
11) average wrestler is more times than not .... ALOT STRONGER than the average jiujitsu player . being a stronger athlete in the grappling arts is always a huge plus
List of reasons why jiu-jitsu guys are tough:
1. Shaved head 2. Goatee 3. Tattoos 4. They say "my friend" a lot 5. Brazilian girlfriend 6. Surfing 7. Acai smoothie 8. Start from the knees 9. Tapout shirts 10. They watch TUF
joshjitsu - I think the analogy is correct if your comparing the technical aspects of the 2 sports. Bjj is much more technical and wrestling is more athletic attribute based. This is totally true. You can make it to the top of Bjj without being the best athlete out there, but you will NEVER make it to that level in wrestling without being a amazing athlete.
Now I am not trying to debate the effectiveness of either of the two in a MMA setting. Just the level of technicality in them.
This is because wrestling is much more competitive than BJJ.