Wrestling on Concrete with strikes

LMAO!! What the hell are you talking about?!!

I remember teaching you ankle picks and knee picks, is that what you're talking about?

Dude, with my stubby ass crocodile arms, how the hell am I going to to reach someone's ankles when my shoulder is up in his gut?

Hahaha! I'm sorry, buddy, I just don't remember that - we must be having some sort of failure to communicate.

...still "lol-ing"...

single to a fireman? how'd you do that?

how about a blast double with my head on his stomach like in frank shamrocks video? would that be ok or any better?

Jonpall, just do them with proper techinque and from
the correct range. My coach always told me that you have to burn a thousand times on the double, but once
you get it it's the safest takedown there is. I suppose that's why experienced wrestlers do them all the time. Schultz vs. Goodridge (UFC 9?) is the best example. Once schultz got in, there was nothing for Goodridge to do but to try not to get bludgeoned.

anyone have an answer to my previous question about blast double? with head on stomach? or is that not a blast double anymore?


sorry, I'm too lazy to scroll up and see exactly what the question was.

I will say though, that you don't want to hit the tomach with your head, but rather the zyphoid process (that little knob at the center base of your rib cage that knocks the wind out of you when it's hit). you'll not only off-balance your opponent better, but you will likely knock the wind out of him in the process.

again, i'd consider this a low percentage move in restling, but could be very useful on the street.

no shame

"as for the firemans, i c this as a very low percentage street move, u expose too much....and i think unless u a master back arching throws on concrete are too risky for your own head and the legality of killing your opponent ;0 "

Yeah, but doesn't it look cool? :)

Just a thought - maybe some people would think twice about assisting a friend that got thrown by a fireman's carry in a street fight. Hence, maybe fancy throws aren't so bad against multiple opponents, i.e. to scare his friends away. (Whoa! - he's like a Bruce Lee or sumpthin' ? Let's get outta here... etc.......)

Carry on.

Thanks for that xyphoid process tip. So in your opinion it's a low percentage move (the blast double on the stomach)? Is it still considered a blast double? I think it was Frank Shamrock's bread and butter in his instructional video. All that time, I thought the double leg that my high school coach taught me was second rate and I was trying to modify it to be more like Frank's. Thanks again.

How are lateral drops in MMA? Anyone seen them in action? How about for the street? Should this be a separate thread? tnx

In the street??? Basic Double Leg takedown never failed me! I have taken peeps down without following them and following them to the concrete. The adrenalin dump will cover up any pain...u can follow up by getting up real quick and NFL football kick to the head when he tries to get up by ROLLING OVER. HEHE. NASTY.

Single leg, then heel hook.