WSOF pays fighter $750

I thought the UFC was bad but jesus christ:

The disclosed WSOF 17 paydays included:

Jake Shields: $65,000 (includes $35,000 win bonus)
def. Brian Foster: $15,000

Joe Condon: $3,000 (no win bonus)
def. Johnny Nunez: $4,000

Krasimir Mladenov: $4,000 (includes $2,000 win bonus)
def. Brendan Kornberger: $2,000

Bryson Hansen: $8,000 (includes $4,000 win bonus)
def. Rudy Morales: $3,000

Danny Davis Jr.: $4,120 (includes $2,000 win bonus)*
def. Adam Cella: $960+

Jordan Rinaldi: $2,000 (includes $1,000 win bonus)
def. Soslan Abanokov: $1,000

Donavon Frelow: $2,000 (includes $1,000 win bonus)
def. Taylor McCorriston: $1,000

Trey Williams: $1,500 (includes $750 win bonus)
def. Jamie Point: $750

Absolutely disgraceful. Phone Post 3.0

In for when the UFC bashers somehow attempt to say this is Zuffa's fault Phone Post 3.0

500 after taxes..... Phone Post 3.0

That guys record was 1-0, it's now 1-1. I made $500, $600, $750 for my first few pro fights. Its not like he was an established veteran making $750. Phone Post 3.0

Wonder how much a guy gets in his 2nd fight at onefc?

As mike mentioned above I wouldnt expect fighters to make a ton right off the bat.

And stephen you dont have to answer that, thats your business I just figured it would be in the same range Phone Post 3.0

An adult was offered an amount of money to fight and he took it... Phone Post 3.0

Galanis -
MIKE CIESNOLEVICZ - That guys record was 1-0, it's now 1-1. I made $500, $600, $750 for my first few pro fights. Its not like he was an established veteran making $750. Phone Post 3.0

Very good point, but WSOF is still a "major" televised orginization on NBCS. I know that doesn't mean they just have disposable income or anything, but if they care about their reputation, I think in 2015 they need to have a $1k base pay at the least, even if a guy debuts in MMA period for them. When you factor in all the other bad things WSOF has done it's just not a good look

But hey, mad respect to you man, was actually just watching a few of your scraps over the weekend. Been gonig thru a lot of old DVDs/stuff on my computer.. Watched like 3 IFL events, which was really fun and a trip back in time.. and you are one bad motherfucker man. Just wanted to say, respect. Glad to see you still pop into the UG from time to time. Hope life is treating you well.

Still, that fight was not televised, online stream only prelim, I had my first pro fight for the XFC when they were still on AXS tv and I got 350/350, oh and I had to pay 75 of that for a NC state license. Phone Post 3.0

NeilDiamond - An adult was offered an amount of money to fight and he took it... Phone Post 3.0
Doesnt make it right though does it? Also i doubt your first few fights were on nbc sports. I imagine the fuckers i see on espn throwing darts make more. Mma is a business now and the owners are still treating it like back in the day where guys would fight in tournys for table scraps.

Yes you fought for cheap back then but it doesnt mean these guys should stilll be fighting for that little. Phone Post 3.0

He must be balling now. "Walmart, here I come!" Phone Post 3.0

Galanis -
MIKE CIESNOLEVICZ - That guys record was 1-0, it's now 1-1. I made $500, $600, $750 for my first few pro fights. Its not like he was an established veteran making $750. Phone Post 3.0

Very good point, but WSOF is still a "major" televised orginization on NBCS. I know that doesn't mean they just have disposable income or anything, but if they care about their reputation, I think in 2015 they need to have a $1k base pay at the least, even if a guy debuts in MMA period for them. When you factor in all the other bad things WSOF has done it's just not a good look

But hey, mad respect to you man, was actually just watching a few of your scraps over the weekend. Been gonig thru a lot of old DVDs/stuff on my computer.. Watched like 3 IFL events, which was really fun and a trip back in time.. and you are one bad motherfucker man. Just wanted to say, respect. Glad to see you still pop into the UG from time to time. Hope life is treating you well.

Just curious; what is the math that you use to come up with a floor amount? Phone Post 3.0

does the wsof actually make money off these shows? if there making a profit it would be interesting to see how much.

That's how it goes... I made 50 dollars in my first pro fight in 2007. Phone Post 3.0

Wasn't Cella on TUF?

He can't break a grand? Phone Post 3.0

klabo - 500 after taxes..... Phone Post 3.0
I don't think they tax welfare brah. Phone Post 3.0

Slapsymaxi - Wasn't Cella on TUF?

He can't break a grand? Phone Post 3.0
He's the dude that was head kicked by Uriah. Phone Post 3.0

Galanis -
MIKE CIESNOLEVICZ - That guys record was 1-0, it's now 1-1. I made $500, $600, $750 for my first few pro fights. Its not like he was an established veteran making $750. Phone Post 3.0

Very good point, but WSOF is still a "major" televised orginization on NBCS. I know that doesn't mean they just have disposable income or anything, but if they care about their reputation, I think in 2015 they need to have a $1k base pay at the least, even if a guy debuts in MMA period for them. When you factor in all the other bad things WSOF has done it's just not a good look

But hey, mad respect to you man, was actually just watching a few of your scraps over the weekend. Been gonig thru a lot of old DVDs/stuff on my computer.. Watched like 3 IFL events, which was really fun and a trip back in time.. and you are one bad motherfucker man. Just wanted to say, respect. Glad to see you still pop into the UG from time to time. Hope life is treating you well.

Just because you declare yourself a major player doesn't mean you are. Their ratings and attendance figures indicate nothing of a 'major player' Phone Post 3.0

Galanis -
Samoa - 
Galanis -
MIKE CIESNOLEVICZ - That guys record was 1-0, it's now 1-1. I made $500, $600, $750 for my first few pro fights. Its not like he was an established veteran making $750. Phone Post 3.0

Very good point, but WSOF is still a "major" televised orginization on NBCS. I know that doesn't mean they just have disposable income or anything, but if they care about their reputation, I think in 2015 they need to have a $1k base pay at the least, even if a guy debuts in MMA period for them. When you factor in all the other bad things WSOF has done it's just not a good look

But hey, mad respect to you man, was actually just watching a few of your scraps over the weekend. Been gonig thru a lot of old DVDs/stuff on my computer.. Watched like 3 IFL events, which was really fun and a trip back in time.. and you are one bad motherfucker man. Just wanted to say, respect. Glad to see you still pop into the UG from time to time. Hope life is treating you well.

Just curious; what is the math that you use to come up with a floor amount? Phone Post 3.0

What do you mean?

What I'm saying is that is WSOF is in such bad shape that even on NBC Sports they can't give guys fights and afford to pay guys $1k at the least, in 2015 (ON NBC SPORTS - the biggest point), there is something wrong

This is supposed be the "World Series" of fighting. They're only signing debuting/new guys to fill up card space because the promotion is in dire straits. What I'm saying is more a reflection on the promotion themselves. I just feel like after the years they've been on TV, it sucks that they have not grown but have actually gone backwards.

When you read endless articles about them not giving guys fights, or asking guys like Nick Newell (one of their main stars) to figth for LESS money than he signed a contract for, it isn't really a good look. Then you see them paying a $750 base pay and it just sucks. There is no money in MMA, I get it. I have personally seen guys fight for free on shows around here..

But this is on NBC Sports. $1k guaranteed wouldn't even be sneezed at by the people who run that station. Obviously WSOF has fucked everything up with their budgeting, etc... But TO ME, it's just shitty that the "World Series" of fighting can't even afford a $1k minimum pay day - ON TOP OF all the other shti they've done to screw fighters around


I'm not saying every single MMA fighter should get paid a grand for their debut or first few fights, that would be stupid. But WSOF is what, the #3 promotion in the US? To me that says a lot about the MMA scene in the country if the #3 promotion period can only afford to pay guys under a grand for a show that is under contract to a major network's sports station

I mean you are stating what a floor salary should be. I'm asking if there is any math to it or if you are just saying that you feel it should be that number. Phone Post 3.0

MIKE CIESNOLEVICZ - That guys record was 1-0, it's now 1-1. I made $500, $600, $750 for my first few pro fights. Its not like he was an established veteran making $750. Phone Post 3.0

true, but adam cella made $960 and he was on the ultimate fighter

Galanis -

I said it's my opinion that I'd like to see the sport of MMA nad their league grow to the point a $1k base is something that is standard for them.

I never said they are ripping fighters off based on what money they are pulling in for themselves (probably nothing in 2015). I'm saying that they've really fucked up with the posititon they are in which has prevented them from growing quite a lot. Do you know about all the bullshit they have pulled with fighters?

I'm simply stating my opinion that these guys are underpaid, and a league like them shouldn't be dicking people around or paying $750 to fighters on their undercard. But they have to, because they've squandered all opportunities they've had with idiotic business practices and decisions that has led them to where they are now. Instead of growing and being able to up their salary, years after they started, they are canceling more shows, failing, and not giving guys fights they are owed on their contracts.

I'd like to see fighters paid more. I'd like to see WSOF run better. I'd like to see it grow instead of fail.  I'm sure there's plenty of things they could do to up the minimum fighter pay if they absolutely had to. But they are a dying org, and their main priority is NOT the fighters, as it's been shown multiple times.

I don't think it's wrong to want the fighters to be paid higher. There's no need to use math, it's a reflection of how poorly WSOF has handled business since day 1. Like I said, I'm not stating they are greedy and keeping the lion's share.. I'm saying they fucked themselves and pay lower level fighters shit while treating fighters from the newbies to their top stars like shit. Years after they came around, they've canceled several shows, lied to many fighters, not given guys fighters, and have shrunken down in all ways. As opposed to growing, getting better, putting on more events and fights, and paying a little more.

They have done the opposite and have went downhill. It's a shame, and it sucks guys can't even get 1K fighting for the #3 org in the US. I'd like to see the sport grow in all ways including purses (at least when it comes to an org contracted to NBC). Why is that wrong?

I didn't day you said anything. I was just asking if there were any business thoughts behind your suggestion for a floor amount. Calm down. I didn't even disagree with you. Phone Post 3.0